ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.6 - Updated February 4, 2020
API Reference Guide > PDF Component API Reference > PDF Component Enumerations Reference > enumIGPDFSecurityInfoFlags

Flags used to specify various information about the Acrobat viewer's security and permissions.


IG_PDF_INFO_HAS_USER_PW IG_PDF_PERM_OPEN The document has a user password.
IG_PDF_INFO_HAS_OWNER_PW IG_PDF_PERM_SECURE The document has an owner password.
IG_PDF_INFO_CAN_PRINT IG_PDF_PERM_PRINT The document can be printed.
IG_PDF_INFO_CAN_EDIT IG_PDF_PERM_EDIT The document can be modified, for example by adding notes, links, or bookmarks.
IG_PDF_INFO_CAN_COPY IG_PDF_PERM_COPY The document text and graphics can be copied to the clipboard.