ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.6 - Updated February 4, 2020
API Reference Guide > PDF Component API Reference > PDF Component Enumerations Reference > enumIGPDEFontCreateFlags

Flags for PDE font creation routine. If you want to subset a font, set both the IG_PDE_FONT_CREATE_EMBEDDED and IG_PDE_FONT_WILL_SUBSET flags.


IG_PDE_FONT_CREATE_NOT_ALLOWED -1 Creation is not allowed. Usually returns by SysFont's "getCreateFlags" when the combination of SysFont and SysEncoding is not allowed.
IG_PDE_FONT_CREATE_EMBEDDED 0x0001 Embed the font. Create an embedded font. By itself, this will not subset the font.
IG_PDE_FONT_WILL_SUBSET 0x0002 Subset the font. If you want to subset a font, set both the IG_PDE_FONT_CREATE_EMBEDDED and IG_PDE_FONT_WILL_SUBSET flags. You must call "subsetNow" to actually subset the font. Both embedding and sub-setting a font creates a CFF font.
IG_PDE_FONT_DO_NOT_EMBED 0x0004 Do not embed the font. You cannot set both this and the IG_PDE_FONT_WILL_SUBSET flags. Nor can you set IG_PDE_FONT_CREATE_EMBEDDED.
IG_PDE_FONT_ENCODE_BY_GID 0x0008 Create a CIDFont with identity (GID) encoding.
IG_PDE_FONT_DEFER_WIDTHS 0x0010 Wait to get widths until later (affects Type0 fonts only).
IG_PDE_FONT_CREATE_SUBSET 0x0002 Subset the font. If you want to subset a font, set both the IG_PDE_FONT_CREATE_EMBEDDED and IG_PDE_FONT_WILL_SUBSET flags. You must call "subsetNow" to actually subset the font. Both embedding and sub-setting a font creates a CFF font.
IG_PDE_FONT_CREATE_GID_OVERRIDE 0x0020 The library will convert cp to gid with identity embedded.
IG_PDE_FONT_CREATE_TO_UNICODE 0x0040 Create ToUnicode cmap.
IG_PDE_FONT_CREATE_ALL_WIDTHS 0x0080 Supply entire widths table (affects Type0 fonts only).