ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.6 - Updated February 4, 2020
API Reference Guide > PDF Component API Reference > PDF Component Structures Reference > AT_PDE_FONTATTRS

Attributes for HIG_PDE_FONT and HIG_PDF_SYSFONT.


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typedef struct tagAT_PDE_FONTATTRS
        HIG_PDF_ATOM name;
        HIG_PDF_ATOM type;
        HIG_PDF_ATOM charSet;
        HIG_PDF_ATOM encoding;
        UINT flags;
        AT_PDF_FIXEDRECT fontBBox;                              
        SHORT missingWidth;                     
        SHORT stemV;                            
        SHORT stemH;                            
        SHORT capHeight;                                
        SHORT xHeight;                          
        SHORT ascent;                           
        SHORT descent;                          
        SHORT leading;                          
        SHORT maxWidth;                         
        SHORT avgWidth;                         
        SHORT italicAngle;                      
        HIG_PDF_ATOM cidFontType;                       
        SHORT wMode;                            
        HIG_PDF_ATOM psName;                            
        HIG_PDF_ATOM platformName;              
        HIG_PDF_ATOM lang;                      
        HIG_PDF_ATOM registry;                  
        HIG_PDF_ATOM ordering;
        LONG supplement;
        LONG cantEmbed;
        HIG_PDF_ATOM deltaEncoding;
        UINT protection;
        LONG packageType;


Name Type Description
name HIG_PDF_ATOM A HIG_PDF_ATOM for font name, as in "Times-Roman." Corresponds to the BaseFont key in the font dictionary of a PDF file (see Section 5.6.3 in the PDF 1.7 Reference).
type HIG_PDF_ATOM A HIG_PDF_ATOM for font type, corresponding to the Subtype key in a font dictionary. May be "Type1," "TrueType," "MMType1," or "Type0."
charSet HIG_PDF_ATOM (Optional) A HIG_PDF_ATOM for "Roman" or IG_PDF_ATOM_NULL. If "Roman," the characters must be a subset of the Adobe Standard Roman Character Set.
encoding HIG_PDF_ATOM A HIG_PDF_ATOM for font encoding. May be MacRomanEncoding, WinAnsiEncoding, or IG_PDF_ATOM_NULL. In the case of IG_PDF_ATOM_NULL, call PDSysFontGetEncoding to get more information about the encoding.
flags UINT Desired font flags, one or more of Font Flags. Use IG_PDF_SCRIPT, etc. to get flags.
fontBBox AT_PDF_FIXEDRECT (Required, except for Type 3 fonts.) Font bounding box in 1000 EM units.
missingWidth SHORT (Optional) The width to use for character codes whose widths are not specified in a font dictionary’s Widths array.
stemV SHORT (Required, except for Type 3 fonts) Vertical stem width: The thickness, measured horizontally, of the dominant vertical stems of glyphs in the font.
stemH SHORT (Optional) Horizontal stem width: The thickness, measured vertically, of the dominant horizontal stems of glyphs in the font.
capHeight SHORT (Required, except for Type 3 fonts) Capital height: The vertical coordinate of the top of flat capital letters, measured from the baseline.
xHeight SHORT X height: the vertical coordinate of the top of flat nonascending lowercase letters (like the letter x), measured from the baseline..
ascent SHORT (Required, except for Type 3 fonts) Max ascender height: The maximum height above the baseline reached by glyphs in this font.
descent SHORT (Required, except for Type 3 fonts) Max descender depth: The maximum depth below the baseline reached by glyphs in this font.
leading SHORT (Optional) The spacing between baselines of consecutive lines of text.
maxWidth SHORT (Optional) The maximum width of glyphs in the font.
avgWidth SHORT (Optional) The average width of glyphs in the font.
italicAngle SHORT (Required, except for Type 3 fonts) Italic angle in degrees, if any.
cidFontType HIG_PDF_ATOM CIDFontType0 or CIDFontType2.
wMode SHORT Writing mode. Must be one of 0 for horizontal writing or 1 for vertical writing.
psName HIG_PDF_ATOM HIG_PDF_ATOM representing the PostScript name of a TrueType font.
platformName HIG_PDF_ATOM The platform name.
lang HIG_PDF_ATOM (Optional, CIDFont only) HIG_PDF_ATOM representing the ISO 639 language code. These are available from
registry HIG_PDF_ATOM (Optional, CIDFont only) HIG_PDF_ATOM representing the CIDFont's Registry information, as in "gAdobe-Japan".
ordering HIG_PDF_ATOM (Optional, CIDFont only) HIG_PDF_ATOM representing the CIDFont's Ordering information, for example, "g1".
supplement LONG (Optional, CIDFont only) The SystemSupplement field from the CIDFont.
cantEmbed LONG A non-zero value means the font can't be embedded.
deltaEncoding HIG_PDF_ATOM The name of the base encoding; that is, the BaseEncoding entry in an encoding dictionary (see section 5.5.5 of the PDF 1.7 Reference). The Differences entry of the encoding dictionary describes differences (deltas) from the base encoding.
protection UINT Allows setting one of the following bits to disable font embedding: IG_PDE_FONT_NO_EMBEDDING = 1: font should not be embedded. IG_PDE_FONT_NO_EDITABLE_EMBEDDING = 2: font should not be embedded for editing purposes.
packageType LONG enumIGPDFSysFontPackageType value.