ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.6 - Updated February 4, 2020
API Reference Guide > PDF Component API Reference > PDF Component Structures Reference > AT_PDF_FONT_STYLES

Font styles.


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typedef struct tagAT_PDF_FONT_STYLES
        AT_BYTE sFamilyClassID; 
        AT_BYTE sFamilySubclassID;
        AT_BYTE bFamilyType;           
        AT_BYTE bSerifStyle;
        AT_BYTE bWeight;
        AT_BYTE bProportion;


Name Type Description
sFamilyClassID AT_BYTE Number that identifies the font family and determines the meaning of the remaining Panose digits. Possible families are Latin, Kanji, Hebrew, and so forth.
sFamilySubclassID AT_BYTE Number to identify the kind of family: text, decorative, handwritten, symbols, and so on.
bFamilyType AT_BYTE Number to identify the family type: text, decorative, handwritten, symbols, and so on.
bSerifStyle AT_BYTE Number that specifies the font's serif style, such as cove, obtuse cove, square, bone, and so forth.
bWeight AT_BYTE Number that specifies the font's weight, such as very light, heavy, black, and so on.
bProportion AT_BYTE Number that specifies the font's proportions, such as modern, expanded, condensed, mono-spaced, and so on.