ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.5 - Updated
API Reference Guide > Core Component API Reference > Core Component Enumerations Reference > enumIGBMPTagIDs

Lists all BMP tag identifiers.


IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_FORMAT BMP metadata format identifier.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_PLANES Number of color planes.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_COMPRESSION Image compression type.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_XPELSPERMETER Horizontal resolution in pixels per meter.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_YPELSPERMETER Vertical resolution in pixels per meter.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_CLRUSED Number of color indexes in the color table that are actually used by the bitmap.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_CLRIMPORTANT Number of color indexes required for displaying the bitmap.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_UNITS Type of units used to measure resolution (IBM OS/2 2.x).
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_RECORDING Recording algorithm (IBM OS/2 2.x).
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_RENDERING Halftoning algorithm used (IBM OS/2 2.x).
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_SIZE1 Reserved for halftoning algorithm use (IBM OS/2 2.x).
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_SIZE2 Reserved for halftoning algorithm use (IBM OS/2 2.x).
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_COLORENCODING Color model used in bitmap (IBM OS/2 2.x).
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_IDENTIFIER Reserved for application use (IBM OS/2 2.x).
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_REDMASK Color mask that specifies the red component of each pixel. See BITMAPV4HEADER structure description in the Windows GDI API reference for more details.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_GREENMASK Color mask that specifies the green component of each pixel. See BITMAPV4HEADER structure description in the Windows GDI API reference for more details.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_BLUEMASK Color mask that specifies the blue component of each pixel. See BITMAPV4HEADER structure description in the Windows GDI API reference for more details.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_ALPHAMASK Color mask that specifies the Alpha component of each pixel. See BITMAPV4HEADER structure description in the Windows GDI API reference for more details.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_CSTYPE The color space of the DIB. See BITMAPV4HEADER structure description in the Windows GDI API reference for more details.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_ENDPNTCOORDREDX This value has been deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future release.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_ENDPNTCOORDREDY This value has been deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future release.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_ENDPNTCOORDREDZ This value has been deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future release.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_ENDPNTCOORDGREENX This value has been deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future release.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_ENDPNTCOORDGREENY This value has been deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future release.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_ENDPNTCOORDGREENZ This value has been deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future release.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_ENDPNTCOORDBLUEX This value has been deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future release.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_ENDPNTCOORDBLUEY This value has been deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future release.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_ENDPNTCOORDBLUEZ This value has been deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future release.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_GAMMARED Tone response curve for red. See BITMAPV4HEADER structure description in the Windows GDI API reference for more details.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_GAMMAGREEN Tone response curve for green. See BITMAPV4HEADER structure description in the Windows GDI API reference for more details.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_GAMMABLUE Tone response curve for blue. See BITMAPV4HEADER structure description in the Windows GDI API reference for more details.
IGMDTAG_ID_BMP_ENDPNTCOORDS CIEXYZ coordinates of the red, green and blue endpoints. See BITMAPV4HEADER structure description in the Windows GDI API reference for more details.