ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.5 - Updated
API Reference Guide > GUI Component API Reference > GUI Component Structures Reference > AT_IGGUI_IP_EDGE_MAP

This structure is used by the IG_gui_ip_edge_map_dlg function to show where there are changes in contrast in the original image.


Copy Code
typedef struct tag AT_IGGUI_IP_EDGE_MAP
        DWORD cbSize;
        UINT uFlags;
        HIGEAR hIGear;
        HWND hWnd;
        LPCHAR lpszTitle;
        AT_RECT rc;
        AT_MODE nType;
        AT_ERRCOUNT nErrCount;
        LPFNIGGUI_IP_UPDATE lpfnUpdateProc;


Name Type Description
cbSize DWORD Specifies the length, in bytes, of the structure.
uFlags UINT A set of bit flags you can use to initialize the dialog box.
hIGear HIGEAR A handle of an image.
hWnd HWND A handle of the window to update.
lpszTitle LPCHAR A dialog title.
rc AT_RECT An AT_RECT struct specifying the rectangular portion of the image on which to operate.
nType AT_MODE The type of edge map operation to perform, such as IG_EDGE_OP_LAPLACIAN, IG_EDGE_OP_ROBERTS, etc. The list of available types is in file accucnst.h.
nErrCount AT_ERRCOUNT The number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call.
lpfnUpdateProc LPFNIGGUI_IP_UPDATE A pointer to the function that is called when the 'Apply' button is clicked.