ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.4 - Updated
API Reference Guide > ISIS Component API Reference > ISIS Component Enumerations Reference > enumIGISISContainerType

This enumeration provides the values for the ContainerType property in the IGISISTagChoice object - it identifies the "container type" of the Value. The Value specifies the limitations or rules for the tag values themselves.


IG_ISIS_CONT_LIST The IGISISTagChoice Value property is an IGDataItem of Type IG_DATA_LONG, IG_DATA_STRING, IG_DATA_ARRAY. The array contains the legal values for the tag.
IG_ISIS_CONT_RANGE The IGISISTagChoice Value property is an IGDataItem of Type IG_DATA_ARRAY. The (0) member of the array is the minimum value for the tag, the (1) member of the array is the maximum value for the tag, and the (1) member of the array is the step size.