ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.4 - Updated
API Reference Guide > PDF Component API Reference > PDF Component Structures Reference > AT_PDF_PRINTPARAMS

This structure indicates how a document should be printed.


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typedef struct tagAT_PDF_PRINTPARAMS
        AT_UINT size;
        AT_PDF_PAGE_RANGE* ranges;
        AT_INT32 numRanges;
        AT_PDF_BOOL shrinkToFit;
        AT_PDF_BOOL expandToFit;
        AT_PDF_BOOL rotateAndCenter;
        AT_INT16 printWhat;
        AT_INT16 printWhatAnnot;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitPS;
        AT_INT32 psLevel;
        AT_INT16 outputType;
        AT_INT16 incBaseFonts;
        AT_INT16 incEmbeddedFonts;
        AT_INT16 incType1Fonts;
        AT_INT16 incType3Fonts;
        AT_INT16 incTrueTypeFonts;
        AT_INT16 incCIDFonts;
        AT_INT16 incProcsets;
        AT_INT16 incOtherResources;
        AT_INT32 fontPerDocVM;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitShowpage;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitTTFontsFirst;
        AT_PDF_BOOL setPageSize;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitDSC;
        AT_PDF_BOOL setupProcsets;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitColorSeps;
        AT_PDF_BOOL binaryOK;
        AT_PDF_BOOL useSubFileDecode;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitRawData;
        AT_PDF_BOOL TTasT42;
        AT_FLOAT scale;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitExternalStreamRef;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitHalftones;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitPSXObjects;
        AT_PDF_BOOL centerCropBox;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitSeparableImagesOnly;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitDeviceExtGState;
        AT_PDF_FIXEDRECT boundingBox;
        AT_PDF_BOOL useFontAliasNames;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitPageRotation;
        AT_PDF_BOOL reverse;
        AT_PDF_FIXEDRECT* tCropBox;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitPageClip;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitTransfer;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitBG;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitUCR;
        AT_INT16 farEastFontOpt;
        AT_PDF_BOOL suppressCJKSubstitution;
        AT_PDF_BOOL suppressCSA;
        AT_PDF_BOOL hostBased;
        HIG_PDF_ATOM hostBasedOutputCS;
        AT_INT16 duplex;
        AT_INT16 doTiling;
        LPAT_PDF_TILEEX tileInfo;
        AT_PDF_BOOL rotate;
        AT_PDF_BOOL hostBasedCM;
        char destProfile[256]; 
        HIG_PDF_ATOM destCSAtom;
        AT_PDF_BOOL saveVM;
        AT_PDF_BOOL doOPP;
        AT_INT32 suppressOPPWhenNoSpots;
        AT_PDF_BOOL optimizeForSpeed;
        AT_PDF_BOOL brokenCRDs;
        AT_PDF_BOOL useMaxVM;
        AT_INT32 lastWidth;
        AT_INT32 lastHeight;
        AT_DWORD bitmapResolution;
        AT_DWORD gradientResolution;
        AT_DWORD transparencyQuality;
        AT_DWORD ocContext;
        AT_PDF_BOOL applyOCGPrintOverrides;
        AT_PDF_BOOL useFullResolutionJP2KData;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitInRipSeps;
        AT_DWORD whichMarks;
        AT_PDF_BOOL westernMarksStyle;
        AT_PDF_BOOL doProofing;
        char proofProfile[256];
        AT_PDF_BOOL inkBlack;
        AT_PDF_BOOL paperWhite;
        AT_PDF_BOOL useExecForm;
        LPAT_PDF_FLATTEN flattenInfo;
        AT_PDF_BOOL negative;
        AT_INT16 mirrorprint;
        AT_DWORD numCollatedCopies;
        AT_PDF_BOOL emitFlatness;
        AT_INT32 trapType;
        AT_PDF_BOOL TTasCIDT2;
        AT_DWORD markStyle;
        AT_FLOAT lineWidth;
        AT_PDF_BOOL macQDPrinter;
        AT_UINT customMarksFileName;
        AT_VOID* pAGMPI;
        AT_PDF_BOOL disableFlattening;
        AT_PDF_BOOL doNotDownloadFauxFonts;
        AT_PDF_BOOL suppressSnapToDevice;
        AT_INT32 suppressElement;


Name Type Description
size AT_UINT Size of the data structure. Must be set to sizeof(AT_PDF_PRINTPARAMS).
ranges AT_PDF_PAGE_RANGE* Ranges of pages to print. Use NULL to print the entire document.
numRanges AT_INT32 Number of ranges of pages to print in ranges. The default value is 0.
shrinkToFit AT_PDF_BOOL TRUE if the page is scaled to fit the printer page size; FALSE otherwise. This field overrides scale. The default value is FALSE.
expandToFit AT_PDF_BOOL TRUE if small pages are to be scaled up to fit the printer page size; FALSE otherwise. Overrides scale. The default value is FALSE.
rotateAndCenter AT_PDF_BOOL TRUE if page is to be rotated to fit printer's orientation, and centered in printer's page size; FALSE otherwise.The default value is FALSE. Rotation and centering (TRUE) only occur, however, if the page contents are too wide to fit on a narrow page (or vice versa) and the page contents are less than an inch smaller than the target page in one direction.
printWhat AT_INT16 enumIGPDFPrintWhat flag. Default is IG_PDF_PRINT_DOCUMENT.
printWhatAnnot AT_INT16 Combination of enumIGPDFPrintWhatAnnot flags which extend printWhat to enable product behavior.
emitPS AT_PDF_BOOL If TRUE, emit a PostScript file. The default value is TRUE.
psLevel AT_INT32 PostScript level: 1, 2 or 3. The default value is 2.
outputType AT_INT16 Print PostScript or EPS with or without a preview.
incBaseFonts AT_INT16 Embed the base fonts. The default value is IG_PDF_INCLUDE_NEVER.
incEmbeddedFonts AT_INT16 Embed fonts that are embedded in the PDF file. This overrides the incType1Fonts, incTrueTypeFonts, and incCIDFonts fields. The default value is IG_PDF_INCLUDE_ONCE_PER_DOC.
incType1Fonts AT_INT16 Embed Type 1 fonts. The default value is IG_PDF_INCLUDE_ONCE_PER_DOC.
incType3Fonts AT_INT16

Embed Type 3 fonts. The default value is IG_PDF_INCLUDE_ON_EVERY_PAGE. 

This parameter must always be set to IG_PDF_INCLUDE_ON_EVERY_PAGE. PDF files exist with Type 3 fonts that contain different encodings on different pages.

incTrueTypeFonts AT_INT16 Embed TrueType fonts. The default value is IG_PDF_INCLUDE_ONCE_PER_DOC.
incCIDFonts AT_INT16 Embed CID fonts. The default value is IG_PDF_INCLUDE_ONCE_PER_DOC.
incProcsets AT_INT16 Include Procsets in the file. The default value is IG_PDF_INCLUDE_ONCE_PER_DOC.
incOtherResources AT_INT16 Include all other types of resources in the file. The default value is IG_PDF_INCLUDE_ONCE_PER_DOC.
fontPerDocVM AT_INT32

Amount of VM available for font downloading at the document level. Ignored if <=0. 

This must be set to 0 for the toolkit; it is only used by the viewer.

emitShowpage AT_PDF_BOOL Emit save and restore showpage in PostScript files. The default value is TRUE.
emitTTFontsFirst AT_PDF_BOOL Emit TrueType fonts before any other fonts. The default value is FALSE.
setPageSize AT_PDF_BOOL (PostScript level 2 only) Set the page size on each page. Use the media box for outputting to PostScript files, use the crop box for EPS files. Default is FALSE.
emitDSC AT_PDF_BOOL Write DSC (Document Structuring Conventions) comments. The default value is TRUE.
setupProcsets AT_PDF_BOOL

If procsets are included, also include init/term code. The default value is TRUE. 

This must be set to TRUE.

emitColorSeps AT_PDF_BOOL Emit images for Level-1 separations. The default value is FALSE.
binaryOK AT_PDF_BOOL TRUE if binary data is permitted in the PostScript file; FALSE otherwise. The default value is TRUE.
useSubFileDecode AT_PDF_BOOL Add SubFileDecode filter to work around stream problems. The default value is FALSE.
emitRawData AT_PDF_BOOL TRUE if add no unnecessary filters when emitting image data; FALSE otherwise. The default value is TRUE.
TTasT42 AT_PDF_BOOL If including TrueType fonts, convert to Type 42 fonts instead of Type 1 fonts. The default value is FALSE.
scale AT_FLOAT Document-wide scale factor. 100.0 = full size. The default value is 100.
emitExternalStreamRef AT_PDF_BOOL If an Image resource uses an external stream, emit code that points to the external file. The default value is FALSE.
This must be set to FALSE.
emitHalftones AT_PDF_BOOL Preserve any halftone screening in the PDF file. The default value is FALSE.
emitPSXObjects AT_PDF_BOOL Emit PostScript XObjects into the PostScript stream. The default value is FALSE.
centerCropBox AT_PDF_BOOL TRUE if CropBox output is centered on the page when the CropBox < MediaBox; FALSE otherwise. The default value is TRUE.
emitSeparableImagesOnly AT_PDF_BOOL If emitting EPS, include only CMYK and gray images.
emitDeviceExtGState AT_PDF_BOOL When emitting the extended graphics state, include the device-dependent parameters (overprint, black generation, undercolor removal, transfer, halftone, halftone phase, smoothness, flatness, rendering intent) in addition to the device-independent parameters (font, line width, line cap, line join, miter limit, dash pattern). If this flag is FALSE, only the device-independent parameters will be emitted. This flag overrides emitHalftones; if this is FALSE, then halftones are not emitted. The default value is TRUE.
boundingBox AT_PDF_FIXEDRECT If all zeroes, is ignored. Otherwise, is used for %BoundingBox DSC comment and in centerCropBox calculations and for setpagedevice. The default value is [0 0 0 0].
useFontAliasNames AT_PDF_BOOL Used when printing with system fonts. The default value is FALSE.
emitPageRotation AT_PDF_BOOL Emit a concat at the beginning of each page so that the page is properly rotated. Used when emitting EPS. The default value is FALSE.
reverse AT_PDF_BOOL If set to TRUE, reverse the order of page output.
tCropBox AT_PDF_FIXEDRECT* Temporary crop box to represent selected region.
emitPageClip AT_PDF_BOOL Set to TRUE to emit page clip.
emitTransfer AT_PDF_BOOL Set to TRUE to emit transfer.
emitBG AT_PDF_BOOL Set to TRUE to emit black generation.
emitUCR AT_PDF_BOOL Set to TRUE to emit undercolor removal.
farEastFontOpt AT_INT16 Far East font option. Currently not used. Set to 0.
suppressCJKSubstitution AT_PDF_BOOL If TRUE, do not do CJK substitution on the printer.
suppressCSA AT_PDF_BOOL If TRUE, don't emit CSAs for 4 component (CMYK) colors.
hostBased AT_PDF_BOOL For separator, do host-based color management.
hostBasedOutputCS HIG_PDF_ATOM The output color space when hostBased color management is TRUE.
duplex AT_INT16 Currently not used. Set to 0.
doTiling AT_INT16 Whether to tile none, all, or only large pages
tileInfo LPAT_PDF_TILEEX If non-NULL, tiling is desired with these parameters.
rotate AT_PDF_BOOL Enable the auto-rotating behavior from past versions of Acrobat.
hostBasedCM AT_PDF_BOOL Host base color management. Default: FALSE, do CSA generation for profiles instead of converting all colors on the host.
destProfile char[256] If hostBaseCM color management is TRUE, use this profile.
destCSAtom HIG_PDF_ATOM An atom representing the device color space (DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, etc.).
saveVM AT_PDF_BOOL TRUE means try to save VM when printing to PostScript.
doOPP AT_PDF_BOOL If TRUE, do the overprint preview operation.
suppressOPPWhenNoSpots AT_INT32 When TRUE, suppress OPP for pages that do not contain spot colors
optimizeForSpeed AT_PDF_BOOL If TRUE, do it fast; FALSE means PostScript code must be page independent. If set to TRUE, font downloads are forced from IG_PDF_INCLUDE_ON_EVERY_PAGE to IG_PDF_INCLUDE_ONCE_PER_DOC.
brokenCRDs AT_PDF_BOOL If TRUE, don't set rendering intent in PostScript stream due to broken non-default CRDs.
useMaxVM AT_PDF_BOOL If TRUE, store all possible resources in VM.
lastWidth AT_INT32 Used when setPageSize is TRUE to prevent unneeded setpagedevice calls.
lastHeight AT_INT32 Used when setPageSize is TRUE to prevent unneeded setpagedevice calls.
bitmapResolution AT_DWORD DPI for bitmaps. Default is 300.
gradientResolution AT_DWORD DPI for gradients interior to the object (not edges). Can generally be lower than the bitmapResolution. Default is 150.
transparencyQuality AT_DWORD The transparency level. Range is 1-100.
ocContext AT_DWORD The optional-content context to use for visibility state information, or NULL to use the document's current states in the default context.
applyOCGPrintOverrides AT_PDF_BOOL When TRUE, apply print-specific visibility state settings from the optional-content group.
useFullResolutionJP2KData AT_PDF_BOOL Whether to use the maximum available JPEG 2000 resolution.
emitInRipSeps AT_PDF_BOOL When TRUE, requests that separations, one sheet per ink, be generated in the RIP (printer).
whichMarks AT_DWORD Page mark indication. A bit-wise OR of the enumIGPDFPageMarkFlags values.
westernMarksStyle AT_PDF_BOOL When TRUE, use western style for page marks.
doProofing AT_PDF_BOOL When TRUE, print using proofing settings.
proofProfile char[256] Description string for the proofing profile.
inkBlack AT_PDF_BOOL Proofing settings: simulate ink black.
paperWhite AT_PDF_BOOL Proofing settings: simulate paper white.
useExecForm AT_PDF_BOOL When TRUE, emit execform calls when emitting Form XObjects.
flattenInfo LPAT_PDF_FLATTEN A structure containing parameters that control tile flattening.
negative AT_PDF_BOOL When TRUE, invert the plate.
mirrorprint AT_INT16 PostScript mirroring attribute. Currently not used.
numCollatedCopies AT_DWORD Enables collation for viewer.
emitFlatness AT_PDF_BOOL Set to TRUE to emit flatness.
trapType AT_INT32 Specifies trap type.
TTasCIDT2 AT_PDF_BOOL Set to TRUE to emit TrueType fonts as CIDType2 instead of as CIDFontType0.
markStyle AT_DWORD Specify the style to use for page marks.
lineWidth AT_FLOAT Line width to use for printer marks.
macQDPrinter AT_PDF_BOOL Set to TRUE if the printer is a Mac QuickDraw printer.



If markStyle == -1, this should be a valid file name pointing to a valid .mrk file for custom printer marks.



The AGMP interface pointer. Should be NULL.



Disable flattening of the PDF file; transparency data will be ignored.



Allow user to select if faux files are downloaded.



Allow user to control "Snap_To_Device".

suppressElement AT_INT32 Unused. Set to 0.


All fields in the AT_PDF_PRINTPARAMS structure apply to PostScript file creation. AT_PDF_PRINTPARAMS are ignored when printing to non-PostScript devices.