ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.4 - Updated
API Reference Guide > ART Component API Reference > ART Component Functions Reference > Internet Functions > ART_internet_export

This function can be used to transfer ART annotation page to FTP/ HTTP(S).


Copy Code
AT_ERRCOUNTART_internet_export (
        const LPCHAR HostName,
        const LPCHAR URLPath,
        const LPCHAR UserName,
        const LPCHAR Password,
        LONG nServerPort,
        DWORD dwService,
        AT_BOOL bHttpSecure, 
        DWORD dwHttpVerb,
        DWORD dwAccessType,
        const LPSTR lpszProxyName,
        const LPSTR lpszProxyBypass,
        DWORD dwFlags,
        HIGEAR hIGear,
        DWORD dwPageNumber,
        AT_BOOL fReplace


Name Type Description
HostName const LPCHAR Set to the name of Internet host, for example ""
URLPath const LPCHAR The URL path to the annotation file, such as "/annotations/". In general, this is a path to necessary file on the given host.
UserName const LPCHAR Set to the proper user name to logon.
Password const LPCHAR Give the proper password to logon.
nServerPort LONG Set to the number of the Internet port. Use one of the settings from parameter 3 of the Win32 function InternetConnect.
dwService DWORD Set to one of the following values: INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP - for FTP service, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP - for HTTP service.
bHttpSecure AT_BOOL This is a Boolean parameter that is used for HTTP service only: Set this parameter to TRUE to use secure transaction semantics for HTTPS requests. Set this parameter to FALSE to use non-secure transaction semantics for HTTP requests. Note that bHttpSecure parameter should be set to TRUE in case of HTTPS connection.
dwHttpVerb DWORD

One of the following values: IG_HTTP_VERB_PUT - for saving the annotation page to the file strURLPathIG_HTTP_VERB_POST - for transferring the annotation page data to the web script strURLPath 

This parameter is used only for INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP

dwAccessType DWORD The type of access that will be passed to InternetOpen function as second parameter. For details see description of function InternetOpen from Microsoft Win32 Internet Function Reference.
lpszProxyName const LPCHAR Proxy name for the third parameter of InternetOpen function. See the description of the InternetOpen function from Microsoft's Win32 Internet Function Reference.
lpszProxyBypass const LPCHAR Bypass name for fourth parameter of InternetOpen function. See the description of the InternetOpen function from Microsoft's Win32 Internet Function Reference
dwFlags DWORD Flags for fifth parameter of InternetOpen function. See the description of the InternetOpen function from Microsoft's Win32 Internet Function Reference.
hIGear HIGEAR ImageGear returns a HIGEAR handle to the newly loaded image.
dwPageNumber DWORD The number of the page to save.
fReplace AT_BOOL Boolean flag that says whether or not to replace the old annotation page (if exists) with the new one.

Return Value:

Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during the function call.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

All pixel formats supported by ImageGear for C and C++.




This function doesn't work for GOPHER service.

Also refer to the following functions: