ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.4 - Updated
API Reference Guide > GUI Component API Reference > GUI Component Structures Reference > AT_IGGUI_DSPL_ADJRAW

A structure used to pass information to IG_gui_dspl_adjraw_dlg and IG_gui_adjraw_apply.


Copy Code
typedef struct tagAT_IGGUI_DSPL_ADJRAW
   DWORD cbSize;
   DWORD dwGrpID;
   char* filename;
   HIGEAR hIGear;
   HWND hWnd;
   enumIGIlluminant Illuminant1;
   enumIGIlluminant Illuminant2;
   LPCHAR lpszTitle;
   AT_ERRCOUNT nErrCount;
   AT_INT SrcChannelCount;
   UINT uExposure;
   UINT uFlags;
   UINT uOrigin;
   UINT uPreset;
   UINT uShadows;
   UINT uTemperature;
   INT uTint;
   HIGDoubleMatrix XYZToCam1;
   HIGDoubleMatrix XYZToCam2;


Structure Members:

Name Type Description
cbSize DWORD Specifies the length, in bytes, of the structure.
dwGrpID DWORD An identifier of the group from which to get display options.
filename char* Pointer to a file name to which the color reconstruction will be applied.
hIGear HIGEAR Reserved.
hWnd HWND A handle of the window to update.
Illuminant1 enumIGIlluminant Standard illuminant 1 value.
Illuminant2 enumIGIlluminant Standard illuminant 2 value.
lpfnUpdateProc LPFNIGGUI_DSPL_UPDATE A pointer to a function of type FNIGGUI_DSPL_UPDATE to update image display in a custom way. Set to NULL if no custom display update is necessary.
lpszTitle LPCHAR Reserved.
nErrCount AT_ERRCOUNT Reserved.
SrcChannelCount AT_INT Reserved.
uExposure UINT Exposure setting.
uFlags UINT A set of bit flags you can use to initialize the dialog box.
uOrigin UINT Image rotation. See enumIGRotationValues for possible values.
uPreset UINT Reserved.
uShadows UINT Shadows setting.
uTemperature UINT Color temperature setting.
uTint INT Tint setting.
XYZToCam1 HIGDoubleMatrix XYZtoCamera1 matrix.
XYZToCam2 HIGDoubleMatrix XYZtoCamera2 matrix.