ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.2 - Updated July 3, 2018
API Reference Guide > Recognition Component API Reference > Recognition Component Enumerations Reference > enumIGRecPictureSavingMode

This enumeration defines how some converters should handle images.


IG_REC_PICTURES_SAVE_NONE Pictures are not save in the output document.
IG_REC_PICTURES_SAVE_ORIGINAL Pictures are saved in the output document with their original resolution.
IG_REC_PICTURES_SAVE_72 Pictures are saved in the output document with resolution 72 DPI.
IG_REC_PICTURES_SAVE_100 Pictures are saved in the output document with resolution 100 DPI.
IG_REC_PICTURES_SAVE_150 Pictures are saved in the output document with resolution 150 DPI.
IG_REC_PICTURES_SAVE_200 Pictures are saved in the output document with resolution 200 DPI.
IG_REC_PICTURES_SAVE_300 Pictures are saved in the output document with resolution 300 DPI.


This converter setting is available via IG_REC_converter_picture_saving_mode_get, IG_REC_converter_picture_saving_mode_set. Function IG_REC_converter_picture_saving_mode_is_applicable should be called to check whether Pictures setting is supported by the converter or not.