ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.2 - Updated
API Reference Guide > Recognition Component API Reference > Recognition Component Functions Reference > Spelling Settings Functions > IG_REC_spelling_language_next_get

Creates a listing of the available Spelling languages together with IG_REC_spelling_language_first_get.


Copy Code
AT_ERRCOUNT ACCUAPI IG_REC_spelling_language_next_get(
   enumIGRecLanguages* pLang


Name Type Description
pLang enumIGRecLanguages* Address of a variable to get the next spelling language.

Return Value:

Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

This function does not process image pixels.


Copy Code
AT_ERRCOUNT ErrCount = 0;
HIG_REC_IMAGE higRecImage = 0;
HIGEAR higImage = 0;
enumIGRecLanguages eLang = IG_REC_LANG_NO;

ErrCount += IG_load_file("Image.tif", &higImage); 
ErrCount += IG_REC_image_import(higImage, &higRecImage);


ErrCount += IG_REC_spelling_is_enabled_set(TRUE);
ErrCount += IG_REC_correction_is_enabled_set(TRUE);
ErrCount += IG_REC_spelling_language_set(IG_REC_LANG_ENG);
ErrCount += IG_REC_spelling_language_set(IG_REC_LANG_GER);

ErrCount += IG_REC_spelling_language_first_get(&eLang);
while(ErrCode == IGE_SUCCESS)
    ErrCount += IG_REC_spelling_language_next_get(&eLang);
    IG_warning_get(0, NULL, 0, NULL, &ErrCode, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);

ErrCount += IG_REC_image_recognize(higRecImage);

ErrCount += IG_REC_image_delete(higRecImage);
ErrCount += IG_image_delete(higImage);


  1. The resulting listing depends on the configuration of the recognition engine (the set of Language dictionary files in the Recognition Binary directory).
  2. Repeated calls to this function get a sequence of the available Spelling languages and return 0 each time. As soon as the function finds no further language to get, the warning IGW_LAST_ITEM_REACHED is added to the warning stack. Function IG_warning_check() returns non-zero value in this case, signaling that the list is complete.