ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.2 - Updated July 3, 2018
API Reference Guide > MD Component API Reference > MD Component Functions Reference > File Functions > MED_DCM_load_DICOM

This function loads a DICOM image file.


Copy Code
        const LPSTR lpszFileName, 
        LPHIGEAR lphIGear, 
        const AT_MODE nSyntax, 
        const UINT page_number


Name Type Description
lpFileName const LPSTR A far pointer to the name of the file to load.
lphIGear LPHIGEAR A far pointer which returns the HIGEAR handle for the newly loaded image.
nSyntax const AT_MODE Set to the type of Transfer Syntax used for the file that you will be loading. Use one of the MED_DCM_TS_ constants defined in enumIGMedTS.
page_number const UINT If the file is a multi-page (multiframe) file, you may set this variable to specify the page to load. If the file is not multi-page, set this to 1.

Return Value:

Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during the function call.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

All pixel formats supported by ImageGear for C and C++ DICOM format filter.


This function cannot be used to load an image of any other format. The advantage to using this function over IG_load_file() is that it provides more control, and is a faster loading utility because ImageGear's filter detection is not used.

This function loads the file specified by the path and filename in lpFileName, and returns a new HIGEAR handle for the image in lphIGear.

To further speed up this function, provide the correct Transfer Syntax (TS) of the file. If you do not know the TS, ImageGear detects it for you if you set nSyntax to MED_DCM_TS_AUTODETECT.

You may also specify the page to load from a multi-page (multiframe) file.

To remove a HIGEAR image from memory, call IG_image_delete().

If your application supports unicode or multi-byte strings, you can open a file yourself and pass the FD handle. If you prefer to open your own file, use MED_DCM_load_DICOM_FD() .