ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.2 - Updated July 3, 2018
API Reference Guide > Core Component API Reference > Core Component Functions Reference > Error Functions > IG_err_error_set

This function places an error record onto the error stack.


Copy Code
   const LPCHAR lpFileName,
   INT iLineNumber,
   AT_ERRCODE nCode,
   UINT nLevel,
   AT_INT lplValue1,
   AT_INT lplValue2,
   const LPCHAR lpExtraText


Name Type Description
lpFileName const LPCHAR Pointer to a string that supplies the name of the module from which the error was generated. It is recommended that you use the _FILE_ constant in this field.
iLineNumber INT An integer number indicating the line from which the error was set. It is recommended that you use the _LINE_ constant in this field.
nCode AT_ERRCODE An integer value of type AT_ERRCODE. Set this to the code number of the error that you wish to place on the error stack.
nLevel UINT The level of error. 0 means critical error (function failure); greater levels denote warnings.
lplValue1 AT_INT Two LONG arguments are available so that you may supply any supporting information about the error. Your application might use these values to decide what to do after setting a particular kind of error. This is the first one.
lplValue2 AT_INT The second argument for the supporting information about the error. See lplValue1.
lpExtraText const LPCHAR Additional text description of the error. It can be NULL if it is not available.

Return Value:

Returns the code of the ImageGear error that occurred during this function call. A value of zero means no errors have occurred. Errors that occurred during this function call are not appended onto the error stack.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

This function does not process image pixels.




Copy Code

// set application specific waining
iErrCode = IG_err_error_set( __FILE__, __LINE__, MYERR_BAD_RASTER, 2, 0, 0, "Some explanation"  );


If you are setting an error code that you have defined yourself, you must make sure that it has a value less than ImageGear's IGE_LAST_ERROR_NUMBER. As the defined value of IGE_LAST_ERROR_NUMBER may change in the future, you should define your error codes relatively to IGE_LAST_ERROR_NUMBER, as demonstrated in the example, rather than use literal values.