ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.2 - Updated
API Reference Guide > ARTGUI Component API Reference > ARTGUI Component Functions Reference > ART_GUI_property_sheet_create

This function creates a "property sheet" - a dialog box that allows you to modify the attributes of a mark object.


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BOOL FAR PASCAL ART_GUI_property_sheet_create(
        HWND hWndParent, 
        const LPAT_DIB lpDIB, 
        HARTPROPSHEET FAR* lpPropertySheet


Name Type Description
hWndParent HWND A Windows handle to the Window of the toolbar.
lpDIB const LPAT_DIB A far pointer to the DIB header of underlying image.
lpPropertySheet HARTPROPSHEET FAR* A far pointer that returns an ART handle to the new Property sheet.

Return Value:

Returns TRUE if a "property sheet" is created successfully, otherwise returns FALSE.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

This function does not process image pixels.




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HIGEAR  hIGear; /* HIGEAR handle of 
  image  */
HARTPROPSHEET hPropertySheet; /* handle to the */
/* property sheet */
AT_ERRCOUNT nErrcount;  /* tally of  */
/* ImageGear errors*/ 
AT_DIB lpDIB;  /* pointer to the */
/* DIB header */
nErrcount = IG_image_DIB_pntr_get(hIGear, &lpDIB);
nErrcount = ART_GUI_property_sheet_create(hWnd, lpDIB, 


The screen capture shown below is a property sheet for an Attach-a-Note object. Each type of mark has a different property sheet.

Please call ART_GUI_property_sheet_init() to initialize the settings and ART_GUI_property_sheet_show() to display it.