These are the various ISIS tags that can be used with the ISIS Tag and Choice functions.
IG_ISIS_TAG_ADFTIMEOUT | Timeout value for ADF empty condition. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_ALLOWEDFORMATS | Limits the available formats reported by IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILFMTS, allowing your application in. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILBITSPERSAMPLE | Allows an application to query the currently valid BitsPerSample choices for use in a list box in. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILCOLORFMTS | Allows an application to query the currently valid color format choices for use in a list box in. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILCOLORFMTSNAME | Allows an application to display the currently valid color format name choices in a list box in. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILCOMPRESSION | Allows an application to query the currently valid compression choices for use in a list box in. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILCOMPRESSIONNAME | Allows an application to display the currently valid compression name choices in a list box in. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILFMTS | Returns an ASCII string based on polling all available file drivers (PXIs), optionally limited. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILFORMAT_EXTS | Allows an application to determine the names of the filename extensions for the file types supported. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILFORMAT_FILETYPES | Allows an application to determine the types of files supported by the application. This allows the. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILFORMAT_NAMES | Allows an application to determine the names of the file types supported by the ISIS drivers. This. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILPHOTOMETRIC | Allows an application to determine the currently valid PhotometricInterpretation choices for displaying. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILSAMPLESPERPIXEL | Allows an application to determine the currently valid SamplesPerPixel choices for displaying in a list. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_BAR_AUTOREADBACK | Status of barcode detection on back side pages in a duplex scan. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_BAR_AUTOREADFRONT | Status of barcode detection on front side pages in a duplex scan. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_BARCODE | Allows an application to determine whether barcode detection is available on the current scanner. It also. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_BARDATA_TEXT | Holds the decoded NULL terminated string of the current barcode after detection. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_BARDATA_TYPE | Holds the type of the current barcode after detection. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_BARDATA_XPOSITION | Holds the x offset of the detected barcode measured in units of the current resolution. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_BARDATA_YPOSITION | Holds the y offset of the detected barcode measured in units of the current resolution. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_BAR_TYPE | Type of barcode to search. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_BAR_TYPECOUNT | Number of barcode types to search. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_BELL | Scanner's bell status. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_BITSPERSAMPLE | Number of bits per component. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_BPS_LBS | Allows an application to display a list box containing the currently valid BitsPerSample settings. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_BRIGHTNESS | Scanner's or displayed image's brightness setting. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_BUFSIZE | Size of driver's image buffer. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_BYTESPERLINE | The image data width in bytes, including any padding. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_COLORFMTS_LBS | Allows an application to display a list box containing the color formats supported by the. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_COLORMAP | Describes a Red-Green-Blue color map (often called a lookup table) for palette color images, and. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_COLORRESPONSECURVES | Controls the optical density of each possible pixel value in a color image. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_COMPRESSION | Allows you to set or determine the compression being used by a scanner. enumIGISISCompressions. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_COMPRESSION_LBS | Allows an application to display a list box containing the compression types supported by the. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIGURATIONS | Driver-defined user configuration names. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIG_1 | Driver-defined user defaults. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIG_2 | Driver-defined user defaults. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIG_3 | Driver-defined user defaults. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_CONFIG_4 | Driver-defined user defaults. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_CONTRAST | Scanner's contrast setting. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_DATAORIENTATION | Actual orientation of image data. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_DETECTJOBSEP | Mode for detecting job separator sheets. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_DITHER | Sets or reads the dither settings of a scanner. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_DITHER_LENGTH1 | Length of custom dither pattern. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_DITHER_LENGTH2 | Length of custom dither pattern. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_DITHER_PATTERN1 | Custom dither pattern data. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_DITHER_PATTERN2 | Custom dither pattern data. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_DITHER_WIDTH1 | Width of custom dither pattern. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_DITHER_WIDTH2 | Width of custom dither pattern. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_DROPOUT | Type of dropout to use during scan. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_DROPOUT_DISABLE_START | Start of dropout disabling. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_DROPOUT_DISABLE_END | End of dropout disabling. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_DROPOUT_THRESHOLD | Dropout threshold. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_DROPOUT_BACKGROUND | Dropout background. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_EMPHASIS | Scanner's emphasis setting. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_ENDORSER_STRING | String to send to scanner's endorser. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_FEEDER | Information about a scanner's feeder. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_FILETYPE | Used to specify the type of file you want to write. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_FILETYPE_LBS | Allows an application to display a list box containing the files supported by the currently-installed set of file writing drivers (*.PXIs), giving the user control over the type of file to write to disk. By using IG_ISIS_TAG_FILETYPE_LBS, you can create an application that automatically accommodates new file types whenever their PXI files are installed on the user's disk. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_FILLORDER | Logical order of bits within a byte. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA | Gamma curve adjustment for scanning. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA_LENGTH1 | Length of custom gamma table 1. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA_LENGTH2 | Length of custom gamma table 2. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA_LENGTH3 | Length of custom gamma table 3. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA_LENGTH4 | Length of custom gamma table 4. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA_LENGTH5 | Length of custom gamma table 5. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA_LENGTH6 | Length of custom gamma table 6. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA_TABLE1 | Length of custom gamma table 1. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA_TABLE2 | Length of custom gamma table 2. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA_TABLE3 | Length of custom gamma table 3. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA_TABLE4 | Length of custom gamma table 4. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA_TABLE5 | Length of custom gamma table 5. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_GAMMA_TABLE6 | Length of custom gamma table 6. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_GRAYRESPONSECURVE | Controls the optical density of each possible pixel value in a grayscale image. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_GRAYRESPONSEUNIT | The precision of the values contained in IG_ISIS_TAG_GRAYRESPONSECURVE. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION | Can contain a string that describes the subject of the image. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_IMAGELENGTH | Number of rows in the image. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_IMAGEWIDTH | Number of columns in the image. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_INSERTMODE | Allows an application to determine or specify whether to create, overwrite, append, or insert. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_JBIGOPTIONS | Options for JBIG data. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_JOBSEPDETECTED | Status of job separator sheet detection. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_KFACTOR | Parameter K for CCITT G32D. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_LASTPAGE_SIDE | Last side scanned during a duplex batch scan. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_MAXPAGES | Page capacity of scanner ADF. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_MAXTIME | Maximum time required to scan a page. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_MIXEDSCAN | Scanner's mixed scanning setting. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_MORE_SETTINGS | More Settings dialog exists in scanner driver. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_NEWSUBFILE | A multi-page TIFF file contains a main file and one or more subfiles. IG_ISIS_TAG_NEWSUBFILE. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_NUMALLOWEDFORMATS | Allows an application to specify how many formats to place into IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILFMTS. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_OPENATTRIBUTE | Allows an application to specify how to open a file for reading or writing. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_ORIENTATION | Orientation of the image. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_ORIGINALIMAGEWIDTH | Original image width. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_OUTLINE | Scanner's outline setting. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_OUTNAME | Included for compatibility with older ISIS programs. Use IG_ISIS_TAG_OUTPUTNAME in all future applications. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_OUTPUTNAME | Allows the application to specify the name of the file to write. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_OUTPUT_TAGS | Pointer to an AutoPipe TAGLIST structure that contains all of the settings made by the user in a common file open or file save dialog box that was implemented using the TAG_..._LBS tags of this toolkit. By using TAG_OUTPUT_TAGS, an application can use AutoPipe to automatically construct an ISIS pipe that implements the file type, color format, compression type, and so forth, as selected by the user, without knowledge of the actual settings or which drivers they require. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_PAGENUMBER | Specifies the page number in the file at which to insert or overwrite pages when writing the file. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_PAGESIZE | Scanner page size setting. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_PARTIAL_LENGTH | Partial length. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_PHOTO_LBS | Allows an application to display a list box containing the currently valid PhotometricInterpretation. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_PIXFPACK_CALLBACK | Used to create custom tags to be written into the image file. Writing tags to an image file is supported. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_PIXFPACK_CALLBACK_DATA | Contains the value to which to set the custom tag created by using IG_ISIS_TAG_PIXFPACK_CALLBACK. This tag. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_PIXFPACK_IOFNS | Allows an application to implement replaceable I/O on the file reading driver. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_PLANARCONFIGURATION | How the components of an RGB image are arranged. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_PLATENLENGTH | Maximum flatbed length. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_PREDICTOR | Contains a value that indicates how to do predicting during decompression of a compressed LZW TIFF file. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_PREVIEW_CALLBACK | Preview callback. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_PRIMARYCHROMATICITIES | Specifies the chromaticity of the primaries of the image. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_RESPONSECURVE | Scanner's response curve setting. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_RESUNIT | Contains the unit of measurement for XResolution and YResolution, available values in enumIGISISResolutionUnits. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_ROWSPERSTRIP | Can be used with images that are stored in multiple strips. It specifies how many image rows comprise each strip. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL | Number of components per pixel. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_SCANAHEAD | Status of ScanAhead. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_SCANAHEAD_MAXPAGES | Maximum number of pages to scan ahead. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_SCANAHEAD_PAGES | Number of pages that have been scanned ahead. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_SCANNERID | Unique scanner identification string. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_SCANORIENTATION | Orientation in which to scan. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_SCANTYPE | Scanning source. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_SHARPNESS | Scanner's sharpness setting. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_SOFTWARE | ID string of software that created the image. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_SPP_LBS | Allows an application to display a list box containing the currently valid SamplesPerPixel settings. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS | Contains the number of bytes in a particular strip of a stripped image after compression (if any). |
IG_ISIS_TAG_STRIPOFFSETS | Contains the byte offset of each strip of a stripped image. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_TIFFPAGENUMBER | The page number of the desired page in a multi-page file. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_TILEWIDTH | Contains the tile width in pixels. This is the number of columns of image data in each tile. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_TILELENGTH | Contains the tile length (height) in pixels. This is the number of rows of image data in each tile. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_TILEOFFSETS | Contains the byte offset of each tile of a tiled image, as compressed and stored on disk. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_TILEBYTECOUNTS | Contains the number of bytes in a particular tile of a tiled image after compression (if any). |
IG_ISIS_TAG_TRCMAP8 | Map of input to output levels. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_USER0 | User (driver) defined tags. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_USER99 | User (driver) defined tags. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_VERSION | Ctaons the driver version. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_WHITEPOINT | Chromaticity of the image's white point. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_WINDOW_AUTOREAD | Window autoread. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_XPOSITION | Distance from left of page. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_XRESOLUTION | Horizontal resolution. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_YIELDPROC | Address of a yield function. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_YPOSITION | Distance from top of page. |
IG_ISIS_TAG_YRESOLUTION | Vertical resolution. |