ImageGear for C and C++ on Linux v19.10 - Updated
Command Line Mode
User Guide > Licensing and Distributing > Runtime Licensing > Automatically Reported Runtime (Node-Locked) > Server Licensing Utility (SLU) > Command Line Mode

The Server Licensing Utility can be used in command line mode for obtaining and installing Runtime Licenses.

Obtaining and Installing a License from the Service


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deploy get <configuration file><solution name> [<access key>outputurl]


Name Description
<configuration file> Path to the license configuration file. Required.
<solution name> Solution name for Runtime Licensing. Required.
<access key> Access key for annual Runtime Licensing. Optional.
outputurl A flag to output the URL and system Hardware Key that can be used for licensing through the web portal if there is a connectivity error. Optional.

Result Codes:


The following example demonstrates obtaining and installing Runtime License:

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java –jar slu.jar deploy get "/Path to/YourSolutionName_Config.txt" "YourSolutionName"

The following example demonstrates obtaining and installing Runtime License for the provided access key:

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java –jar slu.jar deploy get "/Path to/YourSolutionName_Config.txt" "YourSolutionName" Your-Access-Key

The following example demonstrates obtaining and installing Runtime License with error handling to automatically output URL and system Hardware Key to be used for licensing through the web portal:

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java –jar slu.jar deploy get "/Path to/YourSolutionName_Config.txt" "YourSolutionName" outputurl

Installing a License Generated through the Web Portal


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deploy write <solution name><license key>


Name Description
<solution name> Solution name for Runtime Licensing. Required.
<license key> License key generated through the web portal. Required.

Result Codes:


The following example demonstrates installing a Runtime License generated through the web portal:

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java –jar slu.jar deploy write "YourSolutionName"2.0.YourDeploymentLicenseKey