ImageGear for C and C++ on Linux v19.10 - Updated
API Reference Guide > PDF Component API Reference > PDF Component Objects Reference > Basic Objects > HIG_PDF_BASDICT > IG_PDF_basdict_put_int

Sets the integer value of a dictionary key, adding the key to the dictionary if it is not already present.


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        HIG_PDF_BASOBJ hDictionary,
        HIG_PDF_ATOM hKey,
        AT_PDF_BOOL bIndirect,
        INT nValue 


Name Type Description
hDictionary HIG_PDF_BASOBJ The dictionary in which a value is set.
hKey HIG_PDF_ATOM The key whose value is set. See the PDF Reference to obtain the names of keys in dictionary objects that are part of standard PDF, such as annotations or page objects.
bIndirect AT_PDF_BOOL If TRUE, creates the key value as an indirect object. If FALSE, creates the key value as a direct object.
nValue INT The integer value to set.

Return Value:

Error count.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

This function does not process image pixels.