ImageGear Professional DLL for Windows

This function moves the Current Data Element to the last Data Element in the Element List, or in the current level, depending on level_op setting.


Copy Code
        HIGMEDELEMLIST hIGMedElemList, 
        AT_MODE level_op


Name Type Description
hIGMedElemList HIGMEDELEMLIST HIGMEDELEMLIST handle to the Data Element List object.
level_op AT_MODE

A variable of type AT_MODE that tells the function how to move when it comes to an SQ. SQs are like indented outline items, allowing for hierarchies of Data Elements. Set this to one of the following constants:

  • MED_DCM_MOVE_LEVEL_FIXED: This setting tells the function to move only within the same level as the previous Current DE. An SQ and all its Data Elements are skipped over. If you are in a SQ, you can only move about the SQ.
  • MED_DCM_MOVE_LEVEL_FLOAT: This setting tells the function to move up or down as needed to get to the next DE. If the next DE is an SQ the Current DE moves down into it. At the end of the SQ, the Current DE will move back out to the lower levels (for example, from Level 2 to Level 1).

Return Value:

Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during the function call.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

This function does not process image pixels.



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