ImageGear Professional DLL for Windows

Multi-page images allow you to notify the application about status changes. Use IG_mpi_CB_set to call code that associates the given multi-page image hMIGear with any lpPrivate data, and updates the defined function.


Copy Code
   DWORD          dwCBID,
   LPVOID         lpPrivate,    
   AT_MODE        nMode,
   UINT           nPage,
   UINT           nCount


Name Type Description
dwCBID DWORD The identifier allocated for this callback function by IG_mpi_CB_set()
lpPrivate LPVOID The private data associated with this identifier
nMode AT_MODE The type of multi-page image change.
nPage UINT Usually the first number of the changed pages.
nCount UINT Usually the total number of changed pages.

The following table lists all possible values for nMode and the appropriate sense of the nPage and nCount parameters:

nMode nPage nCount Description
IG_MPCBMODE_MPI_ DELETE Not used Not used Notifies the application that the multi-page image is going to be deleted.
IG_MPCBMODE_MPI_ ASSOCIATED Not used Not used Notifies the application that the multi-page image is associated with an external file.
IG_MPCBMODE_MPI_ CLOSE No used Not used Notifies the application that the multi-page image is going to close the associated external file.
IG_MPCBMODE_MPI_ CB_SET Not used Not used Notifies the application that this callback data is set. This notification receives only the callback function that has just been set.
IG_MPCBMODE_MPI_ CB_RESET Not used Not used Notifies the application that this callback data is to be reset.
IG_MPCBMODE_MPI_ PAGEINSERTED Index of where new pages start Number of new pages inserted Notifies the application that new pages have been inserted into the multi-page image.
IG_MPCBMODE_MPI_ PAGEUPDATED Index of the first updated page Number of updated pages starting from nPage Indicates that the application has updated pages in the multi-page image.
IG_MPCBMODE_MPI_ PAGEDELETED Index of first deleted page Number of deleted pages Indicates that the application has deleted pages in the multi-page image.
IG_MPCBMODE_MPF_ PAGEINSERTED Index of where new pages start Number of new pages inserted Indicates that the application has inserted new pages into the external file image.
IG_MPCBMODE_MPF_ PAGEUPDATED Index of the first updated page Number of updated pages starting from nPage Indicates that the application has updated pages in the external multi-page image file.
IG_MPCBMODE_MPF_ PAGEDELETED Index of the first deleted page Number of deleted pages Application deleted pages in the external multi-page image file.

Return Value:


Supported Raster Image Formats:

This function does not process image pixels.


This callback function returns a unique identifier, which allows multi-page associations with the given information. After the association is made, the application receives notifications about changes to the multi-page image through this function.

The notification function blocks the execution of the operation that performed the action. This function can be used for thread synchronization. We do not recommended that you call a multi-page API from the notification function (to prevent an unlimited loop from occurring).



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