ImageGear Professional DLL for Windows

This function loads an image from the Internet into memory and returns to you a HIGEAR handle to it.


Copy Code
AT_ERRCOUNT ACCUAPI IG_load_internet_ex(
   const LPCHAR HostName,
   const LPCHAR URLPath,
   const LPCHAR UserName,
   const LPCHAR Password,
   const LONG nServerPort,
   DWORD dwService,
   DWORD dwAccessType,
   const LPCHAR lpszProxyName,
   const LPCHAR lpszProxyBypass,
   DWORD dwFlags,
   LPHIGEAR lphIGear


Name Type Description
HostName const LPCHAR Set to the name of Internet host, for example "".
URLPath const LPCHAR Set to the URL path to the desired file, such as "/images/image1.bmp". In general, this is a path to necessary file on the given host.
UserName const LPCHAR Set to the proper user name to logon.
Password const LPCHAR Give the proper password to logon.
nServerPort const LONG Set to the number of the Internet port. Use one of the settings from parameter 3 of the Win32 function InternetConnect.
dwService DWORD Set to one of the following values: INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP for FTP service, INTERNET_SERVICE_GOPHER for Gopher service, or INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP for HTTP service.
dwAccessType DWORD The type of access that will be passed to InternetOpen function as the second parameter. For details see description of function InternetOpen from Microsoft Win32 Internet Function Reference.
lpszProxyName const LPCHAR Proxy name for the third parameter of InternetOpen function. See the description of the InternetOpen function from Microsoft's Win32 Internet Function Reference.
lpszProxyBypass const LPCHAR Bypass name for fourth parameter of InternetOpen function. See the description of the InternetOpen function from Microsoft's Win32 Internet Function Reference.
dwFlags DWORD Flags for fifth parameter of InternetOpen function. See the description of the InternetOpen function from Microsoft's Win32 Internet Function Reference.
lphIGear LPHIGEAR ImageGear returns you a HIGEAR handle to the newly loaded image.

Return Value:

Returns 0 if successful. Otherwise, returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

All pixel formats supported by ImageGear Professional.




This function does essentially the same thing as IG_load_file, except that it also lets you pass user/password, Server Port, Transfer Services and additional proxy information.



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