ImageGear Professional v18.2 > API Reference Guide > Core Component API Reference > Core Component Functions Reference > GUI Functions > GUI Pixel Dump Functions > IG_GUI_pixdump_track_mouse |
This function can be called while processing the Windows mouse-button-down message WM_LBUTTONDOWN for a pixdump window's parent window.
Copy Code
AT_ERRCOUNT ACCUAPI IG_GUI_pixdump_track_mouse( HIGEAR hIGear, DWORD dwGrpID, HWND hWndPixDump, INT nX, INT nY ); |
Name | Type | Description |
hIGear | HIGEAR | HIGEAR handle of an image. |
dwGrpID | DWORD | Identifier of a group that is used for drawing an image in the parent window. |
hWndPixDump | HWND | Handle of a GUI pixdump window. |
nX | INT | X position of the left mouse button click. |
nY | INT | Y position of the left mouse button click. |
Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call. If there are no errors, the return value is IGE_SUCCESS.
All pixel formats supported by ImageGear Professional.
GUI Windows, Display
See also the IG_GUI_pixdump_window_create() function.
You can obtain the nX, nY coordinates of the mouse click from the parameters passed by Windows with the WM_... message. See the sample application GUI for a demonstration of how to use this and related (IG_GUI_COLOR_PIXDUMP_....()).
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You cannot use IG_GUI_..._track_mouse() with a WM_RBUTTONDOWN message. ImageGear only responds to left mouse button clicks. |