ImageGear Professional v18.2 > API Reference Guide > Core Component API Reference > Core Component Functions Reference > Display Functions > IG_dspl_mapmode_set |
This function sets the current map mode and logical coordinate system.
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AT_ERRCOUNT ACCUAPI IG_dspl_mapmode_set( [IN] HIGEAR hIGear, [IN] DWORD dwGrpID, [IN] DWORD dwMapMode, [IN] const LPAT_RECTANGLE lpViewport, [IN] const LPAT_RECTANGLE lpWindow ); |
Name | Type | Description |
hIGear | HIGEAR | ImageGear handle of image. |
dwGrpID | DWORD | Identifier of group in which to set map mode options. |
dwMapMode | DWORD | New value of option MapMode to assign. |
LpViewport | const LPAT_RECTANGLE | New value of Viewport option to assign. |
LpWindow | const LPAT_RECTANGLE | New value of Window option to assign. |
Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call.
All pixel formats supported by ImageGear Professional.
Display, MFC, MFC Threads
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HIGEAR hIGear; /* HIGEAR handle of image */ DWORD nGrpID; /* display group identifier */ DWORD dwMapMode; /* map mode */ AT_RECTANGLE Viewport; /* view port values */ AT_RECTANGLE Window; /* window values */ POINT p; SIZE s; ... /* get current mapping parameters */ dwMapMode = GetMapMode( hDC ); GetViewportOrgEx( hDC, &p ); Viewport.x = p.x; Viewport.y = p.y; GetViewportExtEx( hDC, &s ); Viewport.width =; Viewport.height =; GetWindowOrgEx( hDC, &p ); Window.x = p.x; Window.y = p.y; GetWindowExtEx( hDC, &s ); Window.width =; Window.height =; IG_dspl_mapmode_set( hIGear, nGrpID, dwMapMode, &Viewport, &Window ); ... |
ImageGear will perform all calculations with the assumption that the specified logical system is used for the device coordinates.