ImageGear Professional v18.2 > User Guide > Appendices/General Reference > Migrating from ImageGear v14 > Getting a Pointer to the DIB (the old way) |
ImageGear versions prior to 14.5 used the standard Windows DIB format for internal storage of images. This format is made up of three components which are stored sequentially:
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struct tagAT_DIB { AT_DWORD biSize; AT_INT32 biWidth; AT_INT32 biHeight; AT_WORD biPlanes; AT_WORD biBitCount; AT_DWORD biCompression; AT_DWORD biSizeImage; AT_INT32 biXPelsPerMeter; AT_INT32 biYPelsPerMeter; AT_DWORD biClrUsed; AT_DWORD biClrImportant; }; typedef struct tagAT_DIB AT_DIB; typedef struct tagAT_DIB FAR *LPAT_DIB; |
The removed function IG_image_DIB_ptr_get retrieved a pointer to this struct.
The function IG_image_DIB_palette_pntr_get retrieves a pointer to this array. This function still exists in ImageGear 14.5, but the DIB header and pixel data no longer surround the palette in memory.