ImageGear Professional DLL for Windows
Component Manager API

ImageGear provides the component manager API for attaching, checking, function requesting, and retrieving information of every ImageGear component.

To attach (load) the component to the core ImageGear you can use the function:

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IG_comm_comp_attach(LPCHAR lpCompName)

This function attaches the component, determined by lpCompName (e.g., "PDF"), to the core ImageGear module. If a component with the specified name is already attached, this function does nothing. See also the ImageGear Component Names section.

To check if a component is already attached, use the function:

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IG_comm_comp_check(LPCHAR lpCompName)

If the component is attached, this function returns TRUE; it returns FALSE otherwise.

The following two functions are used for calling component API functions. See more details on using these functions in Calling ImageGear Component API Functions.

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IG_comm_function_call(LPCHAR lpEntryName, ... );
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       LPCHAR lpEntryName, 
       LPAFT_ANY *lpFuncPtr, 
       LPCHAR lpReason 

The following function retrieves information about all attached components:

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       LPUINT *lpnCount, 
       UINT nIndex, 
       LPCHAR lpComp, 
       DWORD dwCompSize,
       LPUINT lpnRevMajor, 
       LPUINT lpnRevMinor, 
       LPUINT lpnRevUpdate,
       LPCHAR lpBuildDate, 
       UINT nBDSize, 
       LPCHAR lpInfoStr, 
       UINT nISSize

It returns the number of attached components, and the complete information about the component specified by nIndex.



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