ImageGear Professional DLL for Windows
Color Reduction

Color reduction in general results in an image with fewer colors than the original, even if the bit depth is not changed. There are a number of color reduction methods, and ImageGear provides several different functions from which you can choose the one that is most suitable in a given case. Below you can see the color reduction methods that are available, and the functions that perform them:

IG_IP_color_reduce_bayer() Reduces a 4, 8, or 24-bit image to a 1-bit or 4-bit image using a Bayer dithering algorithm.
IG_IP_color_reduce_to_bitonal() Reduces a 4, 8, or 24-bit image to a 1-bit or "bi-tonal" image.
IG_IP_color_reduce_median_cut() Reduces a 24-bit image to an 8-bit image using the median cut algorithm.
IG_IP_color_reduce_diffuse() Reduces a 4, 8, or 24-bit image to a 1-bit or 4-bit image using a diffusion algorithm.
IG_IP_color_reduce_popularity() Reduces a 24-bit image to an 8-bit image, while preserving its most prevalent or popular colors.
IG_IP_color_reduce_octree() Reduces a 24-bit or 8-bit image to an 8-bit or 4-bit image. Uses an efficient algorithm that gives a result as close to the original as possible, using the number of colors you specify.
IG_IP_color_reduce_halftone() Reduces a 4, 8, or 24-bit image to a 1-bit image using a halftone pattern.

Refer to the function descriptions in the Core Component API Function Reference for the calling sequences and further information on the above.

The additional function IG_IP_convert_to_gray() is also considered a color reduction function. It is called as follows:

Copy Code
IG_IP_convert_to_gray ( hIGear );

It always converts the image to 8-bit gray level. The resulting DIB has a 256-entry palette, and each 8-bit pixel value in the resulting image bitmap is a weighted average of the three color intensities of the pixel in the original image.

The following table lists supported input and output bit depths for color reduction functions:

Function Name Bpp
Use or create palette for output image BppOut
IG_IP_color_reduce_bayer() 24 use standard B/W palette 1
8 use standard B/W palette 1
4 use standard B/W palette 1
24 use given palette 4
8 use given palette 4
24 use standard palette 4
8 use standard palette 4
IG_IP_color_reduce_diffuse() 24 use standard B/W palette 1
8 use standard B/W palette 1
4 use standard B/W palette 1
24 use given palette 4
8 use given palette 4
24 use standard palette 4
8 use standard palette 4
IG_IP_color_reduce_halftone() 24 use standard B/W palette 1
8 use standard B/W palette 1
4 use standard B/W palette 1
IG_IP_color_reduce_median_cut() 24 create optimal palette 8
IG_IP_color_reduce_octree() 24 use given palette (maxcolors > 16) 8
8 use given palette (maxcolors > 16) 8
24 create optimal palette (maxcolors > 16) 8
8 create optimal palette (maxcolors > 16) 8
24 use given palette (maxcolors <= 16) 4
8 use given palette (maxcolors <= 16) 4
24 create optimal palette (maxcolors <= 16) 4
8 create optimal palette (maxcolors <= 16) 4
IG_IP_color_reduce_popularity() 24 create optimal palette 8
IG_IP_color_reduce_to_bitonal() 24 use standard B/W palette 1
8 use standard B/W palette 1
4 use standard B/W palette 1



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