ImageGear Professional DLL for Windows
Description of Installed Samples

The ImageGear Professional DLL for Windows samples are listed in the table below. The table delineates where you can find the samples within the Samples directory (...\Program Files\Accusoft\ImageGear v18 DLL\Professional\DLL\Samples), and where you can access the Sample applications from the Start menu (...Accusoft>ImageGear v18>DLL>Samples).

Samples Subdirectory Start Menu Path This Sample Demonstrates...
ArtXGUI N/A The use of ImageGear ArtX Component.
\C\Alpha C Samples>C Alpha Sample The use of alpha channels.
\C\Artext C Samples>C Annotation Sample The use of ImageGear ART Component features.
\C\ArtX C Samples>C ArtX Sample The use of ImageGear ArtX Component.
\C\Ascii C Samples>C ACSII Sample The loading/displaying of ASCII images.
\C\Clpbrd C Samples>C Clipboard Sample The ImageGear copy/cut/paste features.
\C\Color C Samples>C Color Sample The ImageGear reduce/promote image bit depth features.
\C\Display C Samples>C Display Sample The ImageGear display API including Layout, Orientation, MapMode, Zoom/Scroll and much more.
\C\Filter C Samples>C Filters Sample The features of various file formats, primarily TIFF, PDF and JPEG2000 - with the appropriate ImageGear PDF Component and ImageGear JPEG 2000 Component attached. Also demonstrates the EXIF file format processing and new ImageGear metadata mechanism, as well as the association of an image with multiple alpha images.
\C\FPX C Samples>C Flashpix Sample The loading, displaying, and transforming FlashPix images with the ImageGear FlashPix Component attached.
C\FreqIP C Samples>C FreqIP Sample

The Frequency Domain Image Processing features.

The FreqIP component has been deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future release.
\C\Guiscan C Samples>C GUIScan Sample How to use the ImageGear's GUI scan window.
\C\Guiwin C Samples>C GUI Windows Sample How to use different the ImageGear GUI Windows.
\C\IC C Samples>C ImageClean Sample The use of the ImageGear ImageClean Component. Includes such features as "auto-crop", "invert white text" and "clean borders".
\C\Img_proc C Samples>C Image Processing Sample The comprehensive usage of the ImageGear Image Processing API, including the non-rectangular region of interest feature. Also demonstrates the process of blending with alpha images.
\C\Imgutil C Samples>C Image Util Sample The different ImageGear methods of creating, importing, and exporting images.
\C\IOSet C Samples>C File IO Sample How to override ImageGear's reading and writing of images by using your own callback functions.
\C\ISIS C Samples>C ISIS Sample The use of the ImageGear ISIS Component.
\C\Jpeg C Samples>C JPEG Sample The handling of three JPEG types: Lossless, Progressive, and Lossy. Also demonstrates the ImageGear thumbnail features.
\C\Legacy_Alpha C Samples>C Legacy Alpha Sample How to use legacy ImageGear API.
\C\Legacy_Color C Samples>C Legacy Color Sample How to use legacy ImageGear API.
\C\Legacy_LoadCB C Samples>C Legacy LoadCB Sample How to use legacy ImageGear API.
\C\Legacy_pix_acc C Samples>C Legacy Pixel Access Sample How to use legacy ImageGear API.
\C\LoadCB C Samples>C Load CallBack Sample How to use ImageGear load callback functions.
\C\Magnify C Samples>C Magnify Sample How to use the GUI Magnify window.
\C\MED C Samples>C Medical Sample The imaging features of ImageGear Medical Component.
\C\MediaPlayer C Samples>C Media Player Sample How to use ImageGear multimedia functions (IG_mult_...()).
\C\Memio C Samples>C Memory IO Sample The image loading from and saving to memory.
\C\Mult C Samples>C Multimedia Sample The ImageGear Multimedia Component features.
\C\Page C Samples>C Page Sample The use of the GUI Page Sorter.
\C\Paledt C Samples>C Palette Edit Sample The use of the GUI Palette Editor.
\C\Pan C Samples>C Panning Sample The use of ImageGear's Pan window.
\C\Pix_acc C Samples>C Pixel Access Sample The reading and writing of individual pixels and rows and columns of pixels using ImageGear's Pixel Access functions.
\C\Pjpeg C Samples>C Progressive JPEG Sample The scanning of Progressive JPEG format.
\C\Poster C Samples>C Poster Sample The ImageGear printing features. Prints a poster from a given image.
\C\Print C Samples>C Print Sample The ImageGear printing features. Prints to printer, or directly to driver. Prints a single image on a single page, or many images on a single page.
\C\Thumb C Samples>C Thumbnail Sample The use of ImageGear's GUI Thumbnail Sorter window. This makes thumbnail representations of "normal-size" images.
\C\Timing C Samples>C Timing Sample The benchmark of ImageGear API.
\C\TWAIN C Samples>C TWAIN Sample All aspects of ImageGear's TWAIN support, including scan callbacks.
\C\Vector C Samples>C Vector Sample The use of ImageGear CAD/Vector DGN Component, ImageGear CAD/Vector DWF Component, ImageGear CAD/Vector DWG, DXF Component, ImageGear CAD/Vector HPGL, HPGL/2 Component, ImageGear CAD/Vector CGM Component, ImageGear U3D Component features.
\C\Wipes C Samples>C Wipes Sample ImageGear's wide choice of wipe display effects.
\C#\ImageGearDemo C# Samples>C# Sample The use of ImageGear with C#.NET programming environment.
\Delphi\IGDemo Delphi Samples>Delphi Sample The use of ImageGear with Delphi programming environment.
\GUI N/A The use of ImageGear GUI dialogs.
\MFC\MFC MFC Samples>MFC Sample The use of ImageGear with MFC programming environment.
\MFC\Multipage MFC Samples>MFC Multipage Sample The use of the ImageGear enhanced multi-page API.
\MFC\PDFDemo MFC Samples>MFC PDF Sample The use of the ImageGear ImageGear PDF Component API.
\MFC\Threads MFC Samples>MFC Threads Sample The ImageGear thread safety features.



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