ImageGear Professional v18.2 > API Reference Guide > Recognition Component API Reference > Recognition Component Structures Reference > AT_REC_APPROX_REGEX_RECOGNIZE_WORD_CB_PARAMS |
Details about a recognized word.
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AT_INT index;
AT_INT letter_count;
HMIGEAR source_document;
HIGEAR source_page;
AT_INT source_page_number;
HIG_REC_DOCUMENT source_rec_document;
HIG_REC_IMAGE source_rec_page;
Name | Type | Description |
hRecApproxRegex | HIG_REC_APPROX_REGEX | The approximate regex conducting the search. Default value is 0. |
index | AT_INT |
The zero-based offset from the first letter in the source search domain.
Default value is 0. |
letter_count | AT_INT | The number of AT_REC_APPROX_REGEX_LETTER instances in the letters array. Default value is 0. |
letters | LPAT_REC_APPROX_REGEX_LETTER* | A vector of LPAT_REC_APPROX_REGEX_LETTER instances describing a recognized word. Letters are sorted in logical reading order. Default value is empty string. |
source_document | HMIGEAR | The handle to the source multi-page document. If the letter did not originate from an ImageGear multi-page document, then this parameter value is 0. Default value is 0. |
source_page | HIGEAR | The handle to the source page. If the letter did not originate from an ImageGear page, then this parameter is 0. Default value is 0. |
source_page_number | AT_INT | The page number in the ImageGear multi-page image document or ImageGear recognition document. Default value is 0. |
source_rec_document | HIG_REC_DOCUMENT | The handle to the ImageGear recognition document. If the letter did not originate from an ImageGear multi-page document, then this parameter value is 0. Default value is 0. |
source_rec_page | HIG_REC_IMAGE | The handle to the source page. If the letter did not originate from an ImageGear recognition page, then this parameter should be ignored. Default value is 0. |
word | LPAT_WCHAR | The recognized word. Callers should inspect letters for details about each recognized letter. Default value is empty string. |