ImageGear Professional DLL for Windows

This structure is used to pass parameters to the IG_gui_ip_resizecanvas_dlg function.


Copy Code
typedef struct tagAT_IGGUI_IP_RESIZE
   BOOL bFixed;
   BOOL bPercentage;
   DWORD cbSize;
   HIGEAR hIGear;
   HWND hWnd;
   LPAT_PIXEL lpBkgndColor;
   LPFNIGGUI_IP_UPDATE lpfnUpdateProc;
   LPCHAR lpszTitle;
   AT_ERRCOUNT nErrCount;
   AT_MODE nInterpMethod;
   AT_DIMENSION nNewHeight;
   AT_DIMENSION nNewWidth;
   UINT uFlags;


Structure Members:

Name Type Description
bFixed BOOL Use proportional resize.
bPercentage BOOL Use percentage instead of pixels.
cbSize DWORD Specifies the length, in bytes, of the structure.
hIGear HIGEAR A handle of an image.
hWnd HWND A handle of the window to update.
lpBkgndColor LPAT_PIXEL Pointer to the RGB or pixel value that specifies the background color to be used in the displaced areas after the image is resized using padding method.
lpfnUpdateProc LPFNIGGUI_IP_UPDATE A pointer to a function of type FNIGGUI_IP_UPDATE to notify the application that an Image Processing operation has been applied to the image.
lpszTitle LPCHAR A dialog title.
nErrCount AT_ERRCOUNT The number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call.
nInterpMethod AT_MODE Specifies interpolation method to use for image resizing. See enumIGInterpolations for possible values.
nNewHeight AT_DIMENSION Height to which the image is to be resized.
nNewWidth AT_DIMENSION Width to which the image is to be resized.
nXPos AT_PIXPOS X offset at which to put left top corner of the image after resizing.
nYPos AT_PIXPOS Y offset at which to put left top corner of the image after resizing.
uFlags UINT A set of bit flags you can use to initialize the dialog box.



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