ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
MouseWheel Event


Fires each time the mouse wheel is scrolled over the View control window.


Sub IGPageViewCtl1_MouseWheel(Delta As Integer, Shift As
Integer, X As Long, Y As Long, ReturnParams As


Name Description
Delta Distance and direction of wheel rotation. This is a positive or negative integer which is typically a multiple of 120. (120 represents one 'notch' on a standard scroll wheel.) Positive values indicate forward rotation and negative values indicate backward rotation.
Shift A combination of bit flags indicating state of Shift, Ctrl, and Alt keys at time of key press. Shift is bit 0 (LSB), Ctrl is bit 1, and Alt is bit 2. If only Shift was held, the value will be 1. If only Ctrl was held, it will be 2. If only Alt was held, it will be 4. If Ctrl and Alt were both held, it will be 6.
X X mouse position in windows (device) coordinates.
Y Y mouse position in windows (device) coordinates.
ReturnParams A structure that is used to pass return parameter (Handled). Set ReturnParams.Handled to True to indicate that you've handled the mouse wheel event. Otherwise, the event may propagate to parent windows and possibly mouse software/drivers, which could initiate additional scrolling action.





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