ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
Formats Component Objects

The ImageGear Formats Component exposes the following objects:

IGBatchPreLoadParams Object Provides a set of options to batch the file before loading
IGBatchPreSaveParams Object Provides a set of options to batch the document before saving
IGCompressionsInfo Object Provides info about all compression types available in ImageGear
IGControlParameter Object Provides info about a single format control parameter
IGDocumentInfo Object Provides information about a document
IGFormatIDCollection Object Implements continuous collection of format IDs supported by ImageGear
IGFormatPageInfo Object Provides information about a single page
IGFormatParams Object Provides access to all control parameters for the given format
IGFormatsCtl Control The main control that provides access for all other formats objects and common formats properties/methods
IGFormatsSettings Object Provides common information about ImageGear formats
IGImageChannelInfo Object Provides information about image channel as it is stored in the file in its original form
IGImageTileInfo Object Provides information about image tile
IGIOFile Object Describes a file location for loading/saving operations
IGIOMemory Object Describes a memory location for loading/saving operations
IGIOStream Object Describes a stream location for loading/saving operations
IGIOURL Object Describes URL location for loading/saving operations
IGLoadCroppingOptions Object Describes cropping options for loading operations
IGLoadOptions Object Provides a set of all options for loading operations
IGLoadRawOptions Object Provides an access to options for raw image loading
IGLoadReductionOptions Object Describes reduction options for loading operations
IGLoadResizingOptions Object Describes resizing options for loading operations
IGMemFile Object Provides an access to the memory buffer
IGMetadataItem Object Describes an item of metadata used by some graphics formats
IGSaveFormatsInfo Object Provides info about all save formats available in ImageGear
IGSaveOptions Object Provides a set of all options for saving operations
IGSaveThumbnailOptions Object Defines thumbnail save options

Below is an alphabetized reference of ImageGear Formats interfaces, control, objects and their API (properties, methods, and events).

See Also:

Formats Component Interfaces

Formats Component Enumerations



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