ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
FreeDirectionalLight Method


Changes the colors of an image according to the pattern of a sine wave. The image will appear to have regularly spaced bars of light and/or shadow overlaid on top of it.


Sub FreeDirectionalLight(Page As IGPage, Angle As Single, Points
As IGDataArray, Amplitude As IGDataArray, Frequency As Single,
Phase As Single, Attenuation As Single)


Name Description
Page IGPage Object to which to apply the effect.
Angle Direction to apply the effect across the image. The value is specified as an angle in degrees and ranges from 0 to 360.
Points Array of points containing relative light deviations along the period of the sine wave. Each value typically ranges from -1 to 1. The number of points is flexible and should be chosen based on the period length relative to the image size and desired resolution of the effect.
Amplitude Controls the magnitude of color adjustment for each channel of the image. The number of elements of the array is typically set to the number of channels in the image. Each value should range from 0 to 2, although higher values are possible. 0 represents no change in the image color. Higher values represent more intense change. Color changes are clipped, so higher values result in a harder edge to the waveform.
Frequency Frequency of sine wave. The value should be from 0 to 0.5. The higher the frequency, the more bars will be visible.
Phase Phase of sine wave. The value should be from 0 to 2*PI (approximately 6.28). As the phase is changed, the alignment of the bars is changed. This can be used to line up the bars with image content or boundaries.
Attenuation Attenuation of sine wave. The value should be from -0.01 to 0.01. Attenuation adjusts how much the amplitude of the sine wave is decreased or increased as the sine wave proceeds. It can be used to cause the lighting to fade or intensify.

Return Value:


Bits Per Pixel:

All except bitonal, non-gray Indexed and Grayscale with LUT.


Image Processing and Effects



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