ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
DirectionalWave Method


Provides a directional wave effect on the IGPage Object.


Sub DirectionalWave(pPage As IGPage, Angle As Single, Amplitude
As Single, Frequency As Single, Phase As Single, Attenuation As
Single, Interpolate As Boolean, UseFillColor As Boolean)


Name Description
pPage Reference to IGPage Object to which the effect is applied.
Angle Wave direction.
Amplitude Wave amplitude.
Frequency Wave frequency.
Phase Wave phase.
Attenuation Wave attenuation.
Interpolate If True, use interpolation; otherwise do not.
UseFillColor If True, use fill color; otherwise do not.

Return Value:


Bits Per Pixel:

All except bitonal if interpolation is off; All except bitonal, non-gray Indexed and Grayscale with LUT if interpolation is on.


Image Processing and Effects

See Also:

IGPage Object



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