ImageGear Professional for Windows ActiveX
ART Component Enumerations

This section represents an alphabetized reference of enumerations defined in ImageGear ART component:

The following enumerations are used in ImageGear ART component:

enumIGArtArrowType Enumeration Enumerates the different types of Arrow marks.
enumIGArtCursorType Enumeration Enumerates the different cursor shapes.
enumIGArtControlOption Enumeration Enumerates ART control options that specifies default behavior of current IGArtPage annotation objects.
enumIGArtMarkType Enumeration Enumerates the different types of ART marks.
enumIGArtMeasurementUnits Enumeration Enumerates the different measurement units that can be displayed for a Ruler mark.
enumIGArtModifyReason Enumeration Enumerates the different reasons that the ModifyNotify event is raised.
enumIGArtMouseReason Enumeration Enumerates the different reasons that the MouseNotify event is raised.
enumIGArtPenStyle Enumeration Enumerates the different pen styles that ART can use when drawing lines, rectangles and ellipses.
enumIGArtToolBarReason Enumeration Enumerates the different reasons that the ToolBarNotify event is raised.
enumIGArtUserModeType Enumeration Enumerates the different ART operating mode (e.g., Edit mode, View mode, etc.).



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