ImageGear Professional v18.2 > API Reference Guide > Core Component API Reference > Core Component Functions Reference > Clipboard Functions > IG_clipboard_paste_op_set |
This function sets the kind of operation to use for future calls to IG_clipboard_paste_merge_ex().
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AT_ERRCOUNT ACCUAPI IG_clipboard_paste_op_set ( HIGEAR hIGear, AT_MODE nOperation ); |
Name | Type | Description |
hIGear | HIGEAR | HIGEAR handle of the image that is in the system. |
nOperation | AT_MODE | An integer constant of type AT_MODE, which will be used in future calls to IG_clipboard_paste_merge_ex(). |
Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call. If there are no errors, the return value is IGE_SUCCESS.
This function does not process image pixels.
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HIGEAR hIGear; /* HIGEAR handle of image */ AT_ERRCOUNT nErrcount /* # of IG errors on the stack */ nErrcount = IG_clipboard_paste_op_set( hIGear, IG_ARITH_AND ); |
nOperation is an integer constant of type AT_MODE that is defined in accucnst.h. Here are the possible settings and what kind of operation each one will perform on the values of the merging pixels:
IG_ARITH_ADD | Img1 = Img1 + Img2 |
IG_ARITH_SUB | Img1 = Img1 - Img2 |
IG_ARITH_MULTI | Img1 = Img1 * Img2 |
IG_ARITH_DIVIDE | Img1 = Img1 / Img2 |
IG_ARITH_AND | Img1 = Img1 & Img2 |
IG_ARITH_OR | Img1 = Img1 | Img2 |
IG_ARITH_XOR | Img1 = Img1 ^ Img2 |
IG_ARITH_NOT | Img1 = ~Img1 |
IG_ARITH_OVER | Img1 = Img2 |
You can also set nOperation to 0, which is the default. This will cause the image in the clipboard to just be copied over the currently loaded image - no merging of intersecting pixel values will occur.