This function is used to get pointer to the function from component with given name.
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AT_ERRCODE ACCUAPI IG_comm_entry_request( LPCHAR lpEntryName, LPAFT_ANY* lpFuncPtr, LPCHAR lpReason ); |
Name | Type | Description |
lpEntryName | LPCHAR | The full name of entry "<Comp_name>.<Func_name>", where <Comp_name> is a component name where function is exported, and <Func_name> is a name of function. |
lpFuncPtr | LPAFT_ANY* | Pointer where to return pointer to requested function. |
lpReason | LPCHAR | Optional parameter to specify string description of the reason for this request. |
Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call. If there are no errors, the return value is IGE_SUCCESS.
This function does not process image pixels.
Usually this function is used with component public header i_<COMP_NAME>.h, where actual type of function is declared.
See Attaching Components.