ImageGear Professional DLL v18.1 for Windows
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ImageGear Professional v18.1 > API Reference Guide > Recognition Component API Reference > Recognition Component Enumerations Reference > enumIGRecCheckWordReturnCode

Glossary Item Box

This enumeration has been deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future release.


IG_REC_CW_IMPOSSIBLE The application finds that the recognized string passed to the checking function is not possible for the given zone.
IG_REC_CW_UNLIKELY The application finds that the recognized string passed to the checking function is unlikely to be acceptable for the given zone.
IG_REC_CW_UNRESOLVED The application's checking function cannot make a decision on the acceptability of the string for the zone.
IG_REC_CW_POSSIBLE The application finds that the recognized string passed to the checking function is possible to be acceptable for the given zone.
IG_REC_CW_SURE The application finds that the recognized string passed to the checking function is certainly acceptable for the given zone.


User written checking callback return codes.

This enum defines the possible values that a user-written checking callback function should return. This type of function should be written for zones where recognition accuracy can be improved by providing the recognition module with application-derived, additional checking information.

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