ImageGear Professional DLL v18.1 for Windows
Support for Multimedia File Formats
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ImageGear Professional v18.1 > User Guide > File Format Reference > ImageGear Support for Graphics File Formats > Support for Multimedia File Formats

Glossary Item Box

ImageGear provides support for the following multimedia formats:

To use the support for multimedia formats, the ImageGear Multimedia Component should be attached to Core ImageGear.

ImageGear Multimedia Component uses DirectShow internally to read and decode files and the types of AVI and MPEG files you can read with it depend on what files DirectShow can read, i.e. it depends on what video codecs are installed on the computer. For example, if you want to read a DivX-compressed AVI file, you can do it with the ImageGear Multimedia Component, but only if you have installed the DivX codec on your PC.

If you can view the file in Windows Media Player, you should be able to read it with the ImageGear Multimedia Component.

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