ImageGear Professional v18.1 > API Reference Guide > Core Component API Reference > Core Component Functions Reference > Multi Page Image File Functions > IG_mpf_page_load |
If a multi-page image is associated with an external file, it loads and stores the specified number of pages from the external file into a multi-page image.
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AT_ERRCOUNT IG_mpf_page_load( [IN] HMIGEAR hMIGear, [IN] UINT nStartPage, [IN] UINT nCount ); |
Name | Type | Description |
hMIGear | HMIGEAR | The handle of the allocated multi-page image. |
nStartPage | UINT | The first page to be loaded. |
nCount | UINT | The total number of pages to be loaded. |
Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call. If there are no errors, the return value is IGE_SUCCESS.
All pixel formats supported by ImageGear Professional.
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HMIGEAR hMIGear; /* handle to multi-page image */ AT_ERRCOUNT nErrCount = IGE_SUCCESS; /* will hold returned error count */ UINT nPageCount = 0; /* number of pages that should get from multi-page image */ UINT i; HIGEAR hIGear; /* handle of an image */ ... /* initialize multi-page image and assign it with external file */ nErrCount = IG_mpf_page_count_get( hMIGear, &nPageCount ); for ( i = 0; i < nPageCount; i++ ) if (!nErrCount) if ( !IG_mpi_page_is_valid(hMIGear, i) && (!nErrCount) ) nErrCount = IG_mpf_page_load( hMIGear, i, 1 ); |
To access the loaded pages, use the IG_mpi_page_get() function.
If the multi-page image is not associated with an external file, or a failure to load a page occurs, then an error is set. This function loads each Nth page from a file into the correspondent Nth page into the multi-page image. Previous page values are not deleted with function IG_image_delete(). If necessary, the number of pages is expanded to fit all loaded pages.
The access to the same PDF document from multiple threads is not permitted because the multiple threads cannot share Adobe PDF Library data types. PDF docs created/opened in the main thread can be only used from the main thread.