ImageGear Professional v18 for Mac

This function loads and stitches together a tiled image, returning a HIGEAR handle to the image in memory.


Copy Code
AT_ERRCOUNT ACCUAPI IG_load_tiles_stitch(
   const LPSTR lpszFileName,
   UINT nPage,
   LPAT_STITCH lpStitch,
   LPHIGEAR lphIGear


Name Type Description
lpszFileName const LPSTR Set to the filename of the image to load and stitch.
nPage UINT Page number to load and stitch if this is a multi-page file. Note that page numbers begin at 1, not 0. Set nPage to 1 if this is not a multi-page file.
lpStitch LPAT_STITCH Set to a structure of type AT_STITCH, which defines the reference tile number, and the number of row and columns of tiles.
lphIGear LPHIGEAR ImageGear returns a HIGEAR handle to the newly stitched image in memory.

Return Value:

Returns 0 if successful. Otherwise, returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

All pixel formats supported by ImageGear Professional.


Copy Code
HIGEAR  hIGear = 0;
AT_STITCH stitch = {1, 1, 1};
CHAR* szFile = "picture.tif";
nErrCount = IG_load_tiles_stitch(szFile, 1, &stitch, &hIGear);


// Destroy the image


The AT_STITCH structure allows you to supply ImageGear with information on which tiles to use as the upper-left corner in the new stitched image, and how many tile rows and columns should be stitched together. For a graphical representation of how this works, see Working with Tiled Images.

The nPage argument is set to 1 or greater if you are loading from a multi-page file, to indicate which page (image) you want to load. Set nPage to 1 for a non-multi-page file.

If you set nPage to < 1, ImageGear will default the value to 1; if you set nPage to greater than the number of pages in the document, ImageGear will default the value to the last page number.

See also IG_load_tiles_stitch_FD, IG_load_tiles_stitch_mem, IG_tile_count_get functions.

For a complete discussion of working with tiled images see Working with Tiled Images.



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