ImageGear Professional v18.1 > API Reference Guide > Core Component API Reference > Core Component Functions Reference > Display Functions > IG_dspl_palette_handle |
This function is designed to be used to handle palette messages from the operating system.
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AT_ERRCOUNT ACCUAPI IG_dspl_palette_handle( [IN] HIGEAR hIGear, [IN] DWORD dwGrpID, [IN] HWND hWnd, [IN] HDC hDC, [IN] AT_MODE nPalMode, [OUT] LPBOOL lpbRealized ); |
Name | Type | Description |
hIGear | HIGEAR | ImageGear handle of image. |
dwGrpID | DWORD | Identifier of group that should be used. |
hWnd | HWND | Valid handle of window where image is drawn and from which palette message is to be handled. |
hDC | HDC | Handle of device context where image is to be drawn. If NULL, then it will automatically be retrieved from hWnd. |
nPalMode | AT_MODE | New value of PaletteMode to set. Possible value is either IG_DSPL_PALETTE_HIGH or IG_DSPL_PALETTE_LOW. Please note that this new value is assigned only if the current value of PaletteMode is not IG_DSPL_PALETTE_DISABLE. If the current value is IG_DSPL_PALETTE_DISABLE then the function does not perform any action (to change this, use IG_dspl_palette_set() function). |
lpbRealized | LPBOOL | Pointer to the BOOL parameter where TRUE will be assigned if new palette has been realized and FALSE if otherwise. If NULL, then this parameter is ignored. |
Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call.
All pixel formats supported by ImageGear Professional.
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HIGEAR hIGear; /* HIGEAR handle of image */ DWORD nGrpID; /* display group identifier */ ... case WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE: /* let Image Gear handle palette management */ IG_dspl_palette_handle(hIGear, nGrpID, hWnd, NULL, IG_DSPL_PALETTE_HIGH, &bRealized ); return bRealized; case WM_PALETTECHANGED: /* let Image Gear handle palette management */ IG_dspl_palette_handle(hIGear, nGrpID, hWnd, NULL, IG_DSPL_PALETTE_LOW, NULL ); break; ... |
For the Windows platform, this function should be called when WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE and WM_PALETTECHANGED messages are processed (see the sample below). Handling of those messages is extremely important for palette based devices.