ImageGear Professional DLL v17.2 for Windows
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ImageGear Professional DLL v17.2 for Windows > API Reference Guide > MD Component API Reference > MD Component Functions Reference > Display Functions > MED_display_color_create

Glossary Item Box

This function is used to fill 3 LUTs with one of several pseudo-color schemes.


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AT_ERRCOUNT ACCUAPI MED_display_color_create(
        const AT_MODE scheme, 
        const LONG param1, 
        const LONG param2, 
        const LONG param3, 
        LPAT_PIXEL lpRLUT, 
        LPAT_PIXEL lpGLUT, 


Name Type Description
scheme const AT_MODE Set to the pre-defined color scheme that you would like to use to pseudo-color an image. These AT_MODE color schemes are defined in MedAPI.h and begin with DCM_PSEUDOCOLOR_SCHEME_ . See below for details.
param1 const LONG Set to a LONG value if the color scheme requires it. See below.
param2 const LONG Set to a LONG value if the color scheme requires it. See below.
param3 const LONG Set to a LONG value if the color scheme requires it. See below.
lpRLUT LPAT_PIXEL Pass this argument an array of 256 bytes. It returns the Red LUT that will be used to pseudo-color an image when MED_display_color_set() is called.
lpGLUT LPAT_PIXEL Pass this argument an array of 256 bytes. It returns the Green LUT that will be used to pseudo-color an image when MED_display_color_set() is called.
lpBLUT LPAT_PIXEL Pass this argument an array of 256 bytes. It returns the Blue LUT that will be used to pseudo-color an image when MED_display_color_set() is called.

Return Value:

Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during the function call.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

This function does not process image pixels.


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HIGEAR           hIGear;
AT_PIXEL                RLUT[256];
AT_PIXEL                 GLUT[256];
AT_PIXEL                 BLUT[256];
MED_display_color_create(DCM_PSEUDOCOLOR_SCHEME_6, 0, 0, 0, RLUT, GLUT, BLUT);
MED_display_color_set(hIGear, RLUT, GLUT, BLUT);


The scheme parameter selects which ImageGear pre-defined pseudo-color method to use. Some of the schemes may require parameters that are passed into param1, param2, and param3. Other schemes do not use these parameters and any value passed in are ignored. See below.

lpRLUT, lpGLUT, and lpBLUT must be passed an array of 256 bytes, each. When this function returns, these 3 tables will be filled with values that can be used to pseudo-color an 8-16 bit grayscale image.

This function does not apply the color to an image. It only fills these 3 LUTs. To apply these tables to an image you need to follow this function call with a call to MED_display_color_set().

Currently, these are the available preset ImageGear pseudo-color schemes:

DCM_PSEUDOCOLOR_SCHEME_OFF Reset to grayscale - does not use param1, param2, param3
DCM_PSEUDOCOLOR_SCHEME_1 Oil Film - does not use param1, param2, param3
DCM_PSEUDOCOLOR_SCHEME_2 Dark Blue to Bright Red - does not use param1, param2, param3
DCM_PSEUDOCOLOR_SCHEME_3 Green to Red - does not use param1, param2, param3
DCM_PSEUDOCOLOR_SCHEME_4 Red, Green, Blue - does not use param1, param2, param3
DCM_PSEUDOCOLOR_SCHEME_5 Thermal - does not use param1, param2, param3
DCM_PSEUDOCOLOR_SCHEME_6 Bright Rainbow - does not use param1, param2, param3 
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