ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows Accusoft
Function Error Return Codes
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ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows > User Guide > Appendices/General Reference > Function Error Return Codes

Glossary Item Box

This Appendix delineates ImageGear error codes, including their numerical numbers and short descriptions. All error codes are listed in numerical order and divided into the groups specific to ImageGear component functionality. Please refer to gearerrs.h and gearestr.h files for additional information about ImageGear error and warning codes.

JPEG 2000 Component Error Codes

IGE_JPEG2000_EXTENDED_ERROR -9700 Error has been reported by JPEG 2000 library.

ART Component Error Codes

IGE_ART_WANG_INCOMPATIBLE_FILE -9500 Internal format of loaded annotation file is not compatible with Wang.

NRA Error Codes

IGE_INVALID_PARAMETER_FOR_PROCESSING_WITH_REGION -9001 Operation can not be done using region.
IGE_INVALID_REGION_DATA -9000 Invalid region

OS2 Error Codes

IGE_UNREGISTERED_HAB -8000 HAB is not registered

VBX/OCX Level Error Codes

IGE_GUIWINDOW_TYPE_INVALID -7020 GUIWindow type invalid
IGE_ROTATE_ENUMERATED_VALUES_NOT_USED -7010 The enumerated values for rotate were not used
IGE_VBX_INVALID_FUNCTION_NUM -7000 Invalid VBX function number

GUI Function Error Codes

IGE_GUI_GET_DEVICE_RECT_FAILED -6522 Failed to retrieve device rectangle from SourceView's page display.
IGE_GUI_DESTINATION_VIEW_UNAVAILABLE -6521 DestinationView property must be setup in stationary mode before starting mouse tracking.
IGE_GUI_SOURCE_VIEW_UNAVAILABLE -6520 SourceView property must be setup before starting mouse tracking.
IGE_GUI_WINDOWING_FAILED -6519 Failed to attach to the source view control window.
IGE_GUI_SLIDER_SETUP_FAILED -6518 Failed to setup magnifier's on-source sliding area.
IGE_GUI_INTERNAL_ERROR -6517 Internal GUI error.
IGE_GUI_UNKNOWN_FILE_FORMAT -6516 Unknown file format
IGE_GUI_GET_HWND -6515 Could not retrieve the underlying HWND for this object.
IGE_GUI_GET_DLG_CTL_FAILED -6514 Could not retrieve the dialog control object.
IGE_GUI_PAGE_VIEW_UPDATE_FAILED -6513 Could not update the PageView Control.
IGE_GUI_PAGE_VIEW_ENABLE_FAILED -6512 Could not enable the PageView Control.
IGE_GUI_DISPLAY_ZOOM_CHANGE_FAILED -6511 Could not modify the properties of the Display Zoom object for this image display.
IGE_GUI_DISPLAY_ZOOM_SET_OBJ_FAILED -6510 Could not set the Display Zoom object for this image display.
IGE_GUI_DISPLAY_ZOOM_GET_OBJ_FAILED -6509 Could not retrieve the Display Zoom object for this image display.
IGE_GUI_LAYOUT_CHANGE_FAILED -6508 Could not modify the properties of the Display Layout object for this image display.
IGE_GUI_LAYOUT_GET_OBJ_FAILED -6507 Could not retrieve the DIsplay Layout object for this image display.
IGE_GUI_PAGE_DISPLAY_SET_OBJ_FAILED -6506 Could not set the PageDisplay object for this image's PageView Control.
IGE_GUI_PAGE_DISPLAY_CREATE_OBJ_FAILED -6505 The CreatePageDIsplay() call failed.
IGE_GUI_NO_PAGE -6504 Invalid IGPage object.
IGE_GUI_NO_PAGE_DISPLAY -6503 Invalid IGPageDisplay object.
IGE_GUI_NO_PROCESSING_CTL -6502 The control is not associated with a valid IGProcessingCtl control.
IGE_GUI_NO_DISPLAY_CTL -6501 The control is not associated with a valid IGDisplayCtl control.
IGE_GUI_NO_FORMATS_CTL -6500 The control is not associated with a valid IGFormatsCtl control.
IGE_UNREGISTER_CLASS_FAILED -6040 Microsoft Windows function: UnregisterClass() failed.
IGE_INVALID_WINDOW -6030 An invalid window handle was passed as one of the parameters to the function.
IGE_WINDOW_NOT_ASSOCATED -6020 An attempt was made to disassociate a window that was never associated.
IGE_CREATE_WINDOW_FAILED -6010 Microsoft Windows function: CreateWindow() failed.
IGE_REGISTER_CLASS_FAILED -6000 Microsoft Windows function: RegisterClass() failed.

PDF/PostScript Component Error Codes

PDF Objects

IGE_PDF_STREAM_INVALID -5807 Invalid stream object
IGE_PDE_OBJECT_INVALID -5806 Invalid PDE object
IGE_PDF_COLORSPACE_INVALID -5805 Invalid color space object
IGE_PDF_ELEMENT_INVALID -5804 Invalid element
IGE_PDF_CONTENT_CANT_SET -5803 Cannot set content
IGE_PDF_CONTENT_INVALID -5802 Invalid content object
IGE_PDF_OBJECT_INVALID -5801 Invalid PDF object

PDF Page

IGE_PDF_PAGE_CANT_DELETE -5706 Cannot delete page.
IGE_PDF_PAGE_CANT_INSERT -5705 Cannot insert page.
IGE_PDF_PAGE_CANT_SAVE -5704 Cannot save page.
IGE_PDF_PAGE_CANT_OPEN -5703 Cannot open page.
IGE_PDF_PAGE_CANT_CREATE -5702 Cannot create page.
IGE_PDF_PAGE_INVALID -5701 Invalid page object

PDF Document

IGE_PDF_DOC_NOT_AUTHORIZED -5605 This operation is not permitted
IGE_PDF_DOC_CANT_SAVE -5604 Cannot save document
IGE_PDF_DOC_CANT_OPEN -5603 Cannot open document
IGE_PDF_DOC_CANT_CREATE -5602 Cannot create document
IGE_PDF_DOC_INVALID -5601 Invalid document object

PDF General

IGE_PDF_PRINTING_FAILED -5541 Printing failed
IGE_PDF_CANT_CREATE_OBJECT -5540 Cannot create object
IGE_PDF_CANT_EXTRACT_TEXT -5539 Cannot extract text
IGE_PDF_INVALID_BITCOUNT -5538 Invalid bit count
IGE_PDF_INVALID_COMPRESSION -5537 Invalid compression
IGE_PDF_INVALID_PARAMETER -5536 Invalid parameter
IGE_PDF_CANT_CONVERT_DATA -5535 Rasterization failed
IGE_PDF_CANT_WRITE_DATA -5534 Cannot write PDF stream
IGE_PDF_CANT_READ_DATA -5533 Cannot read PDF stream
IGE_PDF_NOT_INITIALIZED -5532 PDF engine is not initialized
IGE_PDF_FAILURE -5531 General PDF error

PostScript General

IGE_PS_POSTSCRIPT_ERROR -5504 The file contains a PostScript error
IGE_PS_EMPTY_JOB -5503 Empty PostScript job
IGE_PS_NOT_INITIALIZED -5502 PostScript engine is not initialized
IGE_PS_FAILURE -5501 General PostScript job error

Multipage Error Codes

IGE_MP_IMAGE_NOT_ASSOCIATED -5404 Multipage image is not opened
IGE_MP_ASSOCIATE_FAILURE -5403 Multipage image open failure
IGE_MP_CANT_OPEN_MUTEX -5402 Synchronization error
IGE_MP_IMVALID_PAGE_NUMBER -5401 Invalid page number
IGE_MP_INVALID_HANDLE -5400 Invalid multi-page image handle

PS2 TEXT Function Error Codes

IGE_PS2TEXT_ERROR -5350 GhostScript PS2TEXT error

PDF Read Function Error Codes

IGE_PDFREAD_GENERAL -5301 GhostScript general error
IGE_PDFREAD_PSERROR -5300 GhostScript PostScript error

Display Error Codes

IGE_FAIL_TO_DRAW_IMAGE -4910 cannot draw image
IGE_INVALID_PRM_OPERATION -4890 invalid operation
IGE_INVALID_PARAMETER -4880 invalid parameter
IGE_INVALID_IMAGE_HANDLE -4870 invalid image handle
IGE_INVALID_DEVICE_CONTEXT -4860 invalid device context
IGE_INVALID_DISPLAY_PARAMETER -4850 invalid display parameter
IGE_FORMAT_OPERATION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED -4840 format operation is not supported
IGE_INVALID_FORMAT_BIT_COUNT -4835 invalid format bit count
IGE_INVALID_FORMAT_HEADER -4830 invalid format header
IGE_INVALID_FORMAT_METHOD_ID -4825 invalid format method ID
IGE_FAIL_TO_ALLOC_MUTEX -4820 cannot allocate critical session data
IGE_GROUP_IS_NOT_EXIST -4815 group does not exist
IGE_INVALID_OBJECT -4811 invalid object
IGE_THREAD_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED -4810 thread is already associated
IGE_FAIL_TO_ALLOC_PAMETER_GROUP -4805 cannot allocate parameter group
IGE_CANT_OPEN_FORMAT_STORAGE_MUTEX -4801 cannot start critical session
IGE_CANT_OPEN_PARAMETER_MUTEX -4800 cannot start critical session

MS61 Function Error codes

IGE_MS61_UNSUPPORTED_CAPABILITY -4718 Unsupported capability
IGE_MS61_CANT_GET_DRIVER_NAME -4717 Cannot get driver name
IGE_MS61_CANT_SELECT_DRIVER_IN_MANUAL_MODE -4716 Cannot select driver in manual mode
IGE_MS61_WRONG_CB_TYPE -4715 Wrong CallBack type
IGE_MS61_CANT_TRANSFERIMAGE -4714 Cannot transfer image to application
IGE_MS61_KERNEL_FUNCTION_EXCEPTION -4713 Kernel function exception
IGE_MS61_SCAN_RASTER_TOO_LONG -4712 Scan raster too long
IGE_MS61_NOT_SUPPORTED_COMPRESSION -4711 Not supported compression
IGE_IMAGE_BUFFER_FILE_FAILURE -4710 Failure to create file for image buffer
IGE_MS61_SCANNING_FAILED -4709 Image scanning failed
IGE_MS61_SCANNER_UNACCESSIBLE -4708 Kernel function error
IGE_MS61_KERNEL_FUNCTION_ERROR -4707 Kernel function error
IGE_MS61_CANT_GET_SETTINGS -4706 Cant get settings
IGE_MS61_IMAGE_TRANSFER_IS_CANCELED -4705 image transfer canceled
IGE_MS61_TRANSFER_CB_CANCELED -4704 Call back canceled
IGE_MS61_CANT_GET_IMAGE_LAYOUT -4703 Cannot get image layout
IGE_MS61_CANT_GET_IMAGE_INFO -4702 Cannot get image info
IGE_MS61_CANT_SELECT_DRIVER -4701 Cannot select driver, next parameter contains MS61 error code
IGE_MS61_DLL_ACCESS -4700 ImageGear can not access ISIS DLL
IGE_MS61_CANT_CLOSE -4646 Cannot close driver
IGE_MS61_CANT_ENABLE_DRIVER -4613 Cannot enable driver
IGE_MS61_CANT_OPEN_DRIVER -4612 Cannot load data Source
IGE_MS61_CANT_OPEN -4611 Cannot load ISIS DLL

ISIS Function Error codes

IGE_ISIS_SCANNING_CANCELED -4408 ISIS scanning was canceled
IGE_ISIS_DRIVER_NOT_LOADED -4407 ISIS driver is not loaded
IGE_ISIS_SCANNING_FAILED -4406 ISIS scanning failed
IGE_ISIS_RASTER_TOO_LONG -4405 ISIS scan raster is too long
IGE_ISIS_COMPRESSION_NOT_SUPPORTED -4404 ISIS compression is not supported
IGE_ISIS_INVALID_CB_TYPE -4403 ISIS callback function type is invalid
IGE_ISIS_INVALID_INDEX -4402 ISIS array index is invalid
IGE_ISIS_INVALID_HANDLE -4401 ISIS handle is invalid
IGE_ISIS_INTERNAL_ERROR -4400 ISIS internal error

TWAIN Scanning Function Error codes

IGE_TW_CANT_GET_CUSTOM_DS_DATA -4086 Can't obtain custom DS data
IGE_TW_SOURCE_NOT_OPEN -4083 No data source is currently open
IGE_TW_PALETTE_SIZE_MISMATCH -4082 Palette size mismatch
IGE_TW_PIX_TYPE_MISMATCH -4081 Pixel type mismatch
IGE_TW_SCANNING_CANCELED -4080 Scanning was canceled
IGE_TW_AUDIO_TRANSFER_FAILED -4079 Audio transfer operation failed
IGE_TW_AUDIO_TRANSFER_CANCELED -4078 Audio transfer operation was canceled
IGE_TW_IMAGE_TRANSFER_FAILED -4077 Image transfer operation failed
IGE_TW_IMAGE_TRANSFER_CANCELED -4076 Image transfer operation was canceled
IGE_TW_TRANSFER_CB_CANCELED -4075 Callback canceled transfer operation
IGE_TW_SELECT_DS_CANCELED -4074 User canceled data source selection operation
IGE_TW_PIX_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED -4073 Pixel type not supported
IGE_PALETTE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED -4072 Palette type not supported
IGE_TW_DATA_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED -4071 TWAIN data type not supported
IGE_TW_COMPRESSION_NOT_SUPPORTED -4070 Compression type not supported
IGE_TW_FILE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED -4069 File format not supported
IGE_TW_TRANSFER_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED -4068 Transfer mode not supported
IGE_TW_CONTAINER_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED -4067 Capability container type not supported
IGE_TW_PREVIEW_CAMERA_NOT_FOUND -4066 Unable to find preview camera
IGE_TW_DLL_NOT_FOUND -4065 TWAIN data source manager DLL not found
IGE_TW_VALUE_TOO_SHORT -4064 Value buffer is too short to hold value
IGE_TW_CANT_GET_PALETTE -4063 Can't get image palette
IGE_TW_CANT_SET_DATA_GROUP -4062 Can't set data group
IGE_TW_CANT_GET_AUDIO_INFO -4061 Can't get audio info
IGE_TW_CANT_PROCESS_MSG -4060 Can't process TWAIN message
IGE_TW_CANT_SET_TRANSFER_PARAMS -4059 Can't set image transfer parameters
IGE_TW_CANT_GET_TRANSFER_PARAMS -4058 Can't get image transfer parameters
IGE_TW_CANT_GET_IMAGE_LAYOUT -4057 Can't get image layout struct
IGE_TW_CANT_GET_IMAGE_INFO -4056 Can't get image info struct
IGE_TW_CANT_SET_CAP -4055 Can't set capability value
IGE_TW_CANT_GET_CAP -4054 Can't get capability value
IGE_TW_CANT_FIND_DS -4053 Can't find data source
IGE_TW_CANT_DISABLE_DS -4052 Can't disable data source
IGE_TW_CANT_ENABLE_DS -4051 Can't enable data source
IGE_TW_CANT_CLOSE_DS -4050 Can't close data source
IGE_TW_CANT_OPEN_DS -4049 Can't open data source
IGE_TW_CANT_CLOSE_DSM -4048 Can't close data source manager
IGE_TW_CANT_OPEN_DSM -4047 Can't open data source manager
IGE_TW_CANT_CLOSE_FILE -4046 Can't close file on TWAIN device
IGE_TW_CANT_GET_NEXT_FILE -4045 Can't get next file on TWAIN device
IGE_TW_CANT_GET_FIRST_FILE -4044 Can't get first file on TWAIN device
IGE_TW_CANT_GET_FILE_INFO -4043 Can't get file info on TWAIN device
IGE_TW_CANT_FORMAT_MEDIA -4042 Can't format media on TWAIN device
IGE_TW_CANT_DELETE_FILE -4041 Can't delete file on TWAIN device
IGE_TW_CANT_RENAME_FILE -4040 Can't rename file on TWAIN device
IGE_TW_CANT_COPY_FILE -4039 Can't copy file on TWAIN device
IGE_TW_CANT_CREATE_DIR -4038 Can't create directory on TWAIN device
IGE_TW_CANT_CHANGE_DIR -4037 Can't change directory on TWAIN device
IGE_TW_CANT_SET_AUTO_CAPTURE_DIR -4036 Can't set destination directory for auto captured images
IGE_TW_CANT_GET_NEXT_DS -4035 Can't get next data source
IGE_TW_CANT_GET_FIRST_DS -4034 Can't get first data source
IGE_TW_CANT_GET_DEFAULT_DS -4033 Can't get default data source
IGE_TW_CANT_GET_FILE_VERSION -4032 Can't get file version
IGE_TW_CANT_LOCK_CONTAINER -4031 Can't lock capability container memory
IGE_TW_INVALID_IMAGE_PARAMS -4030 Image has invalid parameters
IGE_TW_INVALID_DIB_HANDLE -4029 Invalid DIB handle
IGE_TW_INVALID_CONTROL_PARAM -4028 Invalid control parameter identifier
IGE_TW_INVALID_CB_TYPE -4027 Invalid callback type
IGE_TW_INVALID_VALUE -4026 Invalid value, does not exist in array
IGE_TW_INVALID_INDEX -4025 Invalid array index
IGE_TW_INVALID_CAP_HANDLE -4024 Invalid capability handle
IGE_TW_INVALID_CAP_TYPE -4023 Invalid capability type
IGE_TW_INVALID_CONTAINER_TYPE -4022 nvalid capability container type
IGE_TW_SM_CHECKDEVICEONLINE -4021 The device went offline prior to or during this operation
IGE_TW_SM_FILEWRITEERROR -4020 Error writing the file (meant for things like disk full conditions)
IGE_TW_SM_PAPERDOUBLEFEED -4019 The feeder detected multiple pages
IGE_TW_SM_PAPERJAM -4018 The feeder is jammed
IGE_TW_SM_NOTEMPTY -4017 Operation failed because directory is not empty
IGE_TW_SM_FILENOTFOUND -4016 File not found
IGE_TW_SM_FILEEXISTS -4015 Operation failed because file already exists
IGE_TW_SM_DENIED -4014 File System operation is denied (file is protected)
IGE_TW_SM_CAPSEQERROR -4013 Capability has dependency on other capability
IGE_TW_SM_CAPBADOPERATION -4012 Operation not supported by capability
IGE_TW_SM_CAPUNSUPPORTED -4011 Capability not supported by source
IGE_TW_SM_BADDEST -4010 Unknown destination in DSM_ENTRY
IGE_TW_SM_SEQERROR -4009 Illegal operation for current Source Manager or Source state
IGE_TW_SM_BADVALUE -4008 Data parameter out of supported range
IGE_TW_SM_BADPROTOCOL -4007 Unrecognized operation triplet
IGE_TW_SM_BADCAP -4006 Capability not supported by Source or operation not supported by capability
IGE_TW_SM_OPERATIONERROR -4005 Source or Source Manager reported an error to the user
IGE_TW_SM_MAXCONNECTIONS -4004 Source is connected to maximum number of applications
IGE_TW_SM_NODS -4003 Source Manager unable to find the specified Source
IGE_TW_SM_LOWMEMORY -4002 Not enough memory to complete operation
IGE_TW_SM_BUMMER -4001 General failure due to unknown causes
IGE_TW_SM_SUCCESS -4000 Operation worked

Component related error codes

IGE_FUNCTION_DOESNT_EXIST -3702 The function doesn't exist in the specified component
IGE_COMPONENT_NOT_ATTACHED -3701 The component isn't attached
IGE_CANT_ATTACH_COMP -3700 The specified component can't be attached

Auto Detect Error codes

IGE_FILE_IS_UNSUPPORTED_FILE -3605 File format is not supported
IGE_FILE_IS_HLP -3604 File is a Microsoft sytem Help file
IGE_FILE_IS_DOC -3603 File is a Microsoft DOC file
IGE_FILE_IS_ZIP -3602 File is a PKZIP file
IGE_FILE_IS_EXE -3601 File is a EXE, DLL, DRV, FNT, OCX, or 386
IGE_FILE_IS_SYSTEM_FILE -3600 The image file passed in is really one of the following system files and not an image

Batch conversion CB Error codes

IGE_BATCH_WRONG_CB_TYPE -3500 Wrong CB type passed to IG_batch_CB_register

Disk File Access Error codes

IGE_FILE_INVALID_PATH -3450 Invalid path
IGE_FILE_INVALID_FILENAME -3443 Invalid file name
IGE_FILE_CANT_DELETE -3442 Cannot delete file
IGE_FILE_CANT_SAVE -3441 Cannot save file
IGE_FILE_CANT_OPEN -3440 Cannot open file

Image Processing Error codes

IGE_INVALID_RANK_TYPE -3424 Specified type of rank in the rank filter is invalid.
IGE_INVALID_RESOLUTION_VALUE -3423 Resolution value is not supported by a file format.
IGE_INVALID_ALPHA_CHANNEL -3422 It is possible that width or height not equal to original image.
IGE_INVALID_CLIPING_RECT -3421 Invalid clipping rect
IGE_RASTER_LINE_INVALID -3420 The given raster line is invalid, it should be between 0 and the height of the image -1
IGE_PROC_INVAL_FOR_8BIT_INDEXED -3410 Proc does not work on the 8i images
IGE_DIB_DIMENSIONS_ARE_INVALID -3400 Either height or width of the DIB is wrong.
IGE_INVALID_BIT_MASK -3390 The red, green and blue components of the bit mask overlap.
IGE_POINTER_IS_NULL -3380 Pointer passed to an IP function is NULL, but it would point at object
IGE_INVALID_RESOLUTION_UNIT -3370 The units of the image resolution are not supported
IGE_PROC_REQUIRE_8BIT_GRAYSCALE -3360 This function can be used on 8-bit grayscale images only
IGE_PASSWORD_LENGTH_INVALID -3350 Password must be at least 1-byte long (should be at least 5 bytes)
IGE_INVALID_ENCRYPT_MODE -3340 The selected Encryption Method is invalid
IGE_INVALID_POINTER -3330 A pointer was detected to be NULL
IGE_PARAMETER_OUT_OF_LIMITS -3320 A parameter is out of its legal range
IGE_PROC_INVAL_FOR_PALETTE_IMG -3310 This function can not be used on 8-bit color images - try to promote to 24-bit
IGE_PROC_INVAL_FOR_BIT_COUNT -3300 This function can not be used on images with this one's bit count
IGE_DIB_POINTER_IS_NULL -3220 The DIB pointer about to be used is NULL (invalid)
IGE_COLOR_SPACE_INVALID -3210 Invalid type of color space
IGE_TILE_IS_LARGER_THAN_IMAGE -3200 The tile image must be the same size or smaller in both dimensions than the original source
IGE_INVALID_SKEW_POINTS -3190 A valid line could not be drawn through the two point provided. Y1==Y2
IGE_INVALID_SIGMA -3180 Invalid sigma
IGE_INVALID_KERN_NORMALIZER -3170 Invalid kernel normalizer
IGE_INVALID_NOISE_TYPE -3160 Invalid noise type
IGE_INVALID_KERN_MOTION_EXTENT -3150 Invalid kernel motion extent
IGE_INVALID_LUT_ARITH_FUNC -3140 The LUT_ARITH_FUNC is not a valid function number, check the constant
IGE_INVALID_RAMP_DIRECTION -3130 The contrast ramps direction is not supported
IGE_REQUIRES_CONVEX_ROI -3120 This function requires a convex ROI. The one passed in must be convex
IGE_ROI_WRONG_TYPE -3110 Region of interest is wrong type
IGE_DIB_HAS_NO_PALETTE -3101 The image passed in does not have a palette and this routine requires one
IGE_DIB_BIT_COUNTS_NOT_EQUAL -3100 The images must have the same bit count
IGE_DIB_DIMENSIONS_NOT_EQUAL -3090 The images must be the same dimensions
IGE_INVALID_SIGMA -3080 Invalid sigma
IGE_DIBS_ARE_INCOMPATIBLE -3070 The images are not compatible for this function, either dimension, bit count, or both
IGE_AI_HANDLE_INVALID -3060 This routine requires an Accusoft handle. The handle passed in was not allocated by Accusoft
IGE_AI_HANDLES_USED_UP -3050 The maximum number of Accusoft handles has been used - no more left. Free up some and try again
IGE_BAD_KERN_TYPE -3040 Bad kernel type
IGE_FREE_FAILED -3030 An internal memory free has failed, usually a bad handle, or corrupted system
IGE_ALLOC_FAILED -3020 Memory required for this routine could not be allocated, free up some resources and try again
IGE_LOCK_FAILED -3010 Memory required for this routine could not be locked, most likely running out of memory resources
IGE_WRONG_DIB_BIT_COUNT -3000 The DIB has bit with the wrong bit count for this routine

Sync Error Codes

IGE_CANT_UNLOCK_DATA -2904 Can't unlock data
IGE_CANT_LOCK_DATA -2903 Can't lock data.
IGE_CANT_UNLOCK_IMAGE -2902 Can't unlock image
IGE_CANT_LOCK_IMAGE -2901 Can't lock image.
IGE_IMAGE_IS_LOCKED -2900 Image is locked

TIFF Filter Specific Errors

IGE_CANNT_OPEN_INTERNET_SESSION -2600 Can't open internet session
IGE_CANNT_OPEN_INTERNET_CONNECTION -2590 Can't open internet connection
IGE_CANNT_OPEN_TEMPORARY_FILE -2580 Can't open temporary file
IGE_CANNT_OPEN_GOPHER_FILE -2570 Can't open Gopher file
IGE_CANNT_OPEN_HTTP_FILE -2560 Can't open HTTP file
IGE_CANNT_OPEN_FTP_FILE -2550 Can't open FTP file
IGE_JBIG_STREAM_OPEN_FAILURE -2540 JBIG support library returned an error in return code
IGE_TIF_INVALID_CLASS_F_IMAGE -2530 Error writing TIF class F format
IGE_ICA_COMP_NOT_SUPPORTED -2510 MO:DCAIOCA Compression is not supported at this time
IGE_CLP_INVALID_FORMAT_ID -2500 Windows clipboard file contains an unsupport Format ID at this page
IGE_JBG_IMG_CNTRL_NOT_FOUND -2486 JBIG Extension Image Control not found for save
IGE_JBIG_EXTENSION_NOT_LOADED -2485 JBIG Extension has not been loaded
IGE_ABIC_EXTENSION_NOT_LOADED -2484 ABIC Extension has not been loaded
IGE_IMBEDDED_IMAGE_FAILURE -2483 Failure occurred while reading a file format imbedded in another
IGE_RASTER_WRITE_FAILURE -2482 Unable to write Raster to Output Device (Full Device)
IGE_TILE_NOT_PRESENT -2481 Tile is not present
IGE_LZW_EXTENSION_NOT_LOADED -2480 LZW Extension has not been loaded
IGE_PRIV_TAG_TYPE_INVALID -2479 private user tag had an invalid type
IGE_REPAGE_FAILED -2478 unable to write new page numbers while repaging file
IGE_INVALID_COMP_BIT_DEPTH -2477 bit depth is invalid for this compression scheme
IGE_INVALID_STRIP_BYTE_CNT -2476 strip byte count was zero and could not be estimated
IGE_CORRUPTED_FILE -2475 data in file was not what was expected and could not be interpreted
IGE_PAGE_COUNT_FAILURE -2474 count not count the number of pages in the file
IGE_BAD_DATA_TYPE -2473 Data type detected is not valid
IGE_INVALID_IMG_DEM -2472 Image Dimension was invalid
IGE_LZW_ERROR -2471 Error occurred in LZW decode
IGE_RASTER_TO_LONG -2470 One raster lines exceeds the max num of bytes
IGE_PLANAR_CONFIG_ERROR -2469 Planar Config detected is unsupported
IGE_IMAGE_DATA_WRITE_ERROR -2468 Was not able to write IMAGE data to the IOS
IGE_TAG_WRITE_ERROR -2467 Was not able to write TAG info to the IOS
IGE_IFD_WRITE_ERROR -2466 Was not able to write IFD info to the IOS
IGE_CANT_REALLOC_MEM -2465 Was not able to reallocate memory
IGE_DIB_GET_FAILURE -2464 Was unable to retrieve the DIB information
IGE_HEADER_WRITE_FAILED -2463 Header write failed
IGE_IMAGE_DATA_READ_ERROR -2462 Was unable to read all image data requested
IGE_RASTER_FEED_ERROR -2461 Error feeding raster data to the DIB
IGE_COMP_NOT_SUPPORTED -2460 Compression is not supported at this time
IGE_INVALID_REQ_INFO -2459 Required information was not supplied
IGE_INVALID_PHOTOMETRIC -2458 Photometric tag value was found to be invalid
IGE_INVALID_COLOR_MAP -2457 Color Map was found to be invalid
IGE_INVALID_BITS_PER_SAMPLE -2456 Bits per sample tag was invalid
IGE_CANT_READ_TAG_DATA -2455 Was unable to read all TAG information
IGE_INVALID_BYTE_ORDER -2454 Byte order flag was not Intel or Motorola
IGE_SEEK_FAILURE -2453 IOS position seek failed
IGE_IFD_PROC_FAILURE -2452 Invalid IFD information was detected
IGE_INVALID_IFD -2451 IFD Read did not contain correct number of bytes
IGE_INVALID_TAG -2450 Tag Read did not contain correct number of bytes

Miscellaneous Error Codes

IGE_X_NULL_DISPLAY -2448 X display specified is NULL. ASCII filter is unable to draw text.
IGE_FILTER_UNKNOWN_FORMAT -2447 Unknown file format
IGE_FILTER_CANT_GET_INFOFUNC -2446 Fail to get filter's info function
IGE_DIB_RES_UNITS_NOT_SUPPORTED -2445 DIB resolution units is not supported
IGE_UNDEFNIED_COLOR_SPACE_ID -2444 color space ID is not defined
IGE_NOT_SUPPORTED_COMP -2443 Compression is not supported at this time
IGE_PNG_NO_IDAT_CHUNK -2442 failed to READ a mandatory IDAT Chunk
IGE_PNG_READ_FAILED -2441 failed to READ png data
IGE_PNG_CHUNK_READ_FAILED -2440 failed to READ the correct number of bytes for png chunk
IGE_PNG_WRITE_FAILED -2439 failed to write png data
IGE_PNG_CHUNK_WRITE_FAILED -2438 failed to write the correct number of bytes for png chunk
IGE_STANDARD_FEATURE -2437 This feature is not available in Lite version
IGE_LOAD_FUNCTION_GET_FAILED -2436 Was not able to initialize the filer load function
IGE_ALLOC_SELECTOR_FAILED -2435 AllocSelector() failed, couldn't get an entry into the Global Descriptor able
IGE_CAN_NOT_OPEN_TEMP_FILE -2434 The temporary file need for this function could not be opened/created
IGE_PROC_INVAL_FOR_RUNS_DIB -2433 This function can not be used on DIBs in the Runs format - convert first IG_IP_convert_runs_to_DIB
IGE_PJPEG_NOT_SUPPORTED -2427 Progressive JPEG feature is not supported
IGE_JPG_INVALID_HUFFMAN_TABLE -2426 Invalid Huffman table
IGE_JPG_INVALID_HUFFMAN_ID -2425 Invalid Huffman table descriptor
IGE_JPG_INVALID_QTABLE_PRECISION -2424 Invalid quantization table precision
IGE_JPG_INVALID_QTABLE_ID -2423 Invalid quantization table descriptor
IGE_JPG_UNRECOGNIZE -2422 Unrecognized JPEG marker encountered
IGE_PJPEG_INVALID_SCAN_COUNT -2421 Invalid number of scans for progresive JPEG write
IGE_PJPEG_INVALID_SCAN_CONFIGURATION -2420 Invalid configuration of scans for progressive JPEG write
IGE_IMNET_INVALID_WIDTH -2418 Invalid width for IMNET
IGE_NAME_CONV_NOT_SUPPORTED -2416 Batch Naming configuration not supported
IGE_LOG_FILE_CREATE_ERROR -2415 Unable to create Batch Log File
IGE_DIRECTORY_CREATE_ERROR -2414 Unable to create Destination Directory
IGE_BITDEPTH_NOTSUPPORTED -2413 This Bit-Depth is not supported for this write format
IGE_G3_PREMATURE_EOL_AT_SCAN_LINE -2412 Group 3 premature EOL
IGE_G3_BAD_1D_CODE_AT_SCAN_LINE -2411 Group 3 bad 1D code
IGE_G3_PREMATURE_EOF_AT_SCAN_LINE -2410 Group 3 premature EOF
IGE_G4_BAD_DECODING_STATE_AT_SCAN_LINE -2403 Group 4 bad decoding state
IGE_G4_BAD_2D_CODE_AT_SCAN_LINE -2402 Group 4 invalid 2D code
IGE_G4_PREMATURE_EOL_AT_SCAN_LINE -2401 Group 4 premature EOL
IGE_G4_PREMATURE_EOF_AT_SCAN_LINE -2400 Group 4 premature EOF
IGE_PALETTE_FILE_INVALID_HALO_PAL -2399 Detected Dr. Halo Palette file is invalid
IGE_PALETTE_FILE_NOT_DETECTED -2398 The file is not a valid palette file
IGE_PALETTE_FILE_READ_ERROR -2397 Error reading from a palette file
IGE_PALETTE_FILE_WRITE_ERROR -2396 Error writing to a palette file
IGE_NO_BITMAP_FOUND -2394 WPG, WMF etc. No raster image exists in file
IGE_CANT_WRITE_FILE -2393 File can't be saved in the specified format.
IGE_EPS_NO_PREVIEW -2392 EPS file has no screen preview image to load
IGE_BAD_FILE_FORMAT -2391 Format is not correct.
IGE_NO_BITMAP_REGION -2390 No bitmap region
IGE_INTERRUPTED_BY_USER -2113 Status bar callback returned FALSE
IGE_INVALID_BITCOUNT_FOR_FORMAT -2112 The bitcount found is not supported by this format
IGE_FILE_FORMAT_IS_READONLY -2111 The image file is read only and can not be written to
IGE_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT -2110 The image file is invalid as the expected format
IGE_CANT_READ_FILE -2100 Can't read file
IGE_CANT_SETUP_DIB_HEADER -2095 Can't setup DIB header
IGE_INSTANCE_CLEANUP_ERROR -2091 Instance cleanup error
IGE_INSTANCE_FAILURE -2090 Instance failure
IGE_INVALID_COMPRESSION -2080 Invalid compression
IGE_FORMAT_NOT_DETECTABLE -2073 Save format can not be detected from file extension used
IGE_CANT_WRITE_HEADER -2072 Can't write header
IGE_CANT_WRITE_PIXELS -2071 Can't write pixel data
IGE_CANT_WRITE_PALETTE -2070 Can't write palette
IGE_INVALID_HEADER -2061 Invalid file header
IGE_INVALID_FILE_TYPE -2060 Invalid file type
IGE_CANT_READ_HEADER -2052 Can't read header
IGE_CANT_READ_PIXELS -2051 Can't read pixel data
IGE_CANT_READ_PALETTE -2050 Can't read palette
IGE_FILE_SIZE_WRITE_ERROR -2041 Could not write file size field to BMP
IGE_BMP_IS_COMPRESSED -2040 The BMP file is in compressed (RLE) format
IGE_FILE_TO_SMALL_TO_BE_BMIH -2035 The file is too small to be a valid BMIH
IGE_FILE_IS_NOT_BMP -2034 The BMFH Magic number is invalid
IGE_FILE_TO_SMALL_TO_BE_BMFH -2033 The file is too small to be a valid BMFH
IGE_FILE_CANT_BE_CLOSED -2032 An attempt to close a file failed
IGE_FILE_CANT_BE_CREATED -2031 An attempt to create a file failed, it may already exist in the provided path
IGE_FILE_CANT_BE_OPENED -2030 An attempt to open a file failed, it may not exist in the provided path
IGE_CANT_DETECT_FORMAT -2010 The format of the file can not be determined
IGE_PAGE_COULD_NOT_BE_READ -2007 The page number could not be determined
IGE_PAGE_INVALID -2006 The page number provided is outside of the range of valid pages for this file
IGE_PAGE_NOT_PRESENT -2005 The requested image page does not exist in the file
IGE_THUMBNAIL_NOT_SUPPORTED -2002 Thumbnails are not supported by this format
IGE_THUMBNAIL_READ_ERROR -2001 A read error occurred while reading a thumbnail
IGE_THUMBNAIL_NOT_PRESENT -2000 Thumbnails are supported but none can be found in this image file
IGE_PASSWORD_INVALID -1016 The Password is not recognized
IGE_INVALID_PATTERN_BITMAP -1015 The DDB was > 1 bit per pixel or the width was > 8 or the height was > 8
IGE_COULD_DISPLAY_DDB -1014 BitBlt() failed. Couldn't display the DDB
IGE_CREATE_BITMAP_FAILED -1013 CreateBitmap() failed. Couldn't create a DDB.
IGE_COULD_NOT_GET_DDB_BITS -1012 GetDIBits() failed. Couldn't get the DDB's image data
IGE_COULD_NOT_GET_DDB_DIMENSIONS -1011 GetObject() failed. Couldn't get the DDB's dimensions
IGE_SETCLIPBOARDDATA_FAILED -1010 Could not put data into the clipboard
IGE_CLIPBOARD_OPEN_FAILED -1009 Could not open the clipboard
IGE_NO_CLIPBOARD_IMAGE_AVAILABLE -1008 No image is available for a clipboard paste
IGE_INVALID_RECTANGLE -1007 Occurs when a rectangle's left >= right or top >= bottom
IGE_INTERNAL_ERROR -1005 An internal error has occurred, contact ACCUSOFT technical support
IGE_INVALID_STANDARD_KERNEL -1004 The kernel expected one of the predefined ones, yours could not be found
IGE_EVAL_DLL_TIMEOUT_HAS_EXPIRED -1003 The DLL is an Evaluation copy and as timed out - contact ACCUSOFT to purchase a release copy
IGE_OUT_OF_MEMORY -1000 No more global memory is available for allocation, reduced used resources
IGE_FUNCTIONALITY_NOT_SUPPORTED -900 The ImageGear functionality is not supported under this platform.
IGE_EXTENSION_INITIALIZATION_FAILED -800 The specified ImageGear extension was unable to initialize.
IGE_INVALID_EXTENSION_MODULE -700 The specified ImageGear extension file was not a valid extension file
IGE_INVALID_CONTROL_OPTION -600 Invalid image control option ID
IGE_COMPONENT_ATTACH_FAILURE -553 Failure to attach component.
IGE_INVALID_COMPONENT_MODULE -552 The module is not component or has wrong interface
IGE_INVALID_FUNCTION_POINTER -551 Invalid pointer to the component's function
IGE_INVALID_FUNCTION_NAME -550 The name of the component's function is invalid
IGE_FILTER_CTRL_INVALID_NAME -512 The name of control parameter is invalid or not supported
IGE_INVALID_FILTER_OPERATION -511 Requested operation is not supported by format filter
IGE_FILTER_NOT_LOADED -510 Requested format filter is not present
IGE_EXTENSION_NOT_LOADED -500 The ImageGear extension was not present or couldn't be loaded
IGE_BUFFER_HAS_INSUFFICIENT_SIZE -404 Incoming buffer has insufficient size
IGE_PARAMETER_HAS_INVALID_VALUE -401 Incoming parameter is invalid
IGE_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_PLATFORM -350 The last function used is not supported by this platform.
IGE_NOT_LITE_FEATURE -301 An attempt was made to use a Non IG-Lite feature in the IG-Lite product.
IGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED -200 For internal reference of areas to return to
IGE_NOT_DONE_YET -100 For internal reference of areas to return to
IGE_FAILURE -1 General error - Failure
IGE_SUCCESS 0 No errors - Success

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