ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows Accusoft
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ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows > API Reference Guide > Recognition Component API Reference > Recognition Component Enumerations Reference > enumIGRecCheckWordReturnCode

Glossary Item Box

User written checking callback return codes.


IG_REC_CW_IMPOSSIBLE The application finds that the recognized string passed to the checking function is not possible for the given zone.
IG_REC_CW_UNLIKELY The application finds that the recognized string passed to the checking function is unlikely to be acceptable for the given zone.
IG_REC_CW_UNRESOLVED The application's checking function cannot make a decision on the acceptability of the string for the zone.
IG_REC_CW_POSSIBLE The application finds that the recognized string passed to the checking function is possible to be acceptable for the given zone.
IG_REC_CW_SURE The application finds that the recognized string passed to the checking function is certainly acceptable for the given zone.


This enum defines the possible values that a user-written checking callback function should return. This type of function should be written for zones where recognition accuracy can be improved by providing the recognition module with application-derived, additional checking information.

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