ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows Accusoft
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ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows > API Reference Guide > PDF Component API Reference > PDF Component Functions Reference > IG_PDF_initialize

Glossary Item Box

This function is used to initialize the ImageGear PDF Component.


  Copy Code
        LPVOID lpVoid


lpVoid Reserved, must be set to NULL.

Return Value:

Error count

Supported Raster Image Formats:

This function does not process image pixels.


To initialize the ImageGear PDF component it needs to be attached to the core ImageGear and then IG_PDF_initialize() function must be called.

The following resource content is required by the ImageGear PDF component initialization routine:

Resource\PDF\CIDFont\ PDF CID fonts directory.
Resource\PDF\CMap\ PDF font CMaps directory.
Resource\PDF\Font\ PDF fonts directory.
Resource\PDF\Unicode\ PDF unicode mappings directory.
Resource\PS\ColorRendering\ Color rendering PostScript.
Resource\PS\ICCProfiles\ Directory containing the ICC profiles that allow using the Adobe® Color Engine® (ACE®). 
The profiles in this directory must be placed in the system folder named, which on Windows is named \Windows\System32\Color.
Resource\PS\Fonts\ PS fonts directory.
Resource\PS\ProcSet\ PostScript procedures.
Resource\PS\ps.vm A file for initializing the PostScript Interpreter's virtual memory.
Resource\PS\ Startup PostScript program used to initialize the PostScript Interpreter.
Resource\PS\superatm.db Adobe® Type Manager® (ATM®) database used to substitute missing fonts.

The ImageGear PDF component uses the following PDF global control parameters to locate the resource content:

PDF.PDF_RESOURCE_PATH Path to the Resource\PDF directory
PDF.PS_RESOURCE_PATH Path to the Resource\PS directory
PDF.HOST_FONT_PATH Path to the system font directory
PDF.TMP_PATH Path to the TEMP directory

If the PDF global parameters are not defined, the ImageGear PDF Component behavior depends on the OS:

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