ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows Accusoft
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ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows > API Reference Guide > Core Component API Reference > Core Component Functions Reference > FX Functions > IG_FX_watermark

Glossary Item Box

This function is used to produce a watermark like effect.


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        HIGEAR hIGear, 
        const LPAT_RECT lpRect, 
        const HIGEAR hWatermark 


hIGear HIGEAR handle of image to watermark.
lpRect Far pointer to an AT_RECT struct specifying the rectangular portion of the image to be processed. Set = NULL for whole image. Before ImageGear performs this operation, it will check to see if an internal flag has been set to TRUE to make a mask active for this HIGEAR image. If a mask is active, and a valid pointer to a mask can be found, ImageGear will override the settings passed to this structure in favor of the non-rectangular ROI defined by the mask.
hWatermark 8-bit sign centered image to use for watermarking.

Return Value:

Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

All pixel formats supported by ImageGear Professional, except:
Indexed RGB with non-grayscale palette;
Images that have a Grayscale LUT attached to them.




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HIGEAR hIGear;    /* Handle of image to apply watermark to  */
HIGEAR hWMarkImage; /* Handle of watermark image  */
IG_FX_watermark ( hIGear, NULL, hWMarkImage );


8-bit sign centered image hWatermark is scaled to match image hIGear and is added to it.

This function, like other ImageGear Image Processing and Clipboard API calls, takes an AT_RECT structure as an argument, so that you can process a rectangular sub-region of an image. However, before ImageGear performs the operation specified by this function, it will check to see if an internal flag has been set to TRUE, indicating that a mask HIGEAR should be used with the image. If the flag is set to TRUE, and a valid pointer to a mask image has been assigned, ImageGear will override the settings passed to the AT_RECT structure and use the non-rectangular ROI defined by the mask HIGEAR. To create a non-rectangular region of interest, call IG_IP_NR_ROI_to_HIGEAR_mask().

Please see the descriptions of IG_IP_NR_ROI_mask_associate() and IG_IP_NR_ROI_to_HIGEAR_mask() for more details.
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