ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows Accusoft
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ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows > API Reference Guide > Core Component API Reference > Core Component Functions Reference > Error Functions > IG_err_error_get

Glossary Item Box

This function retrieves information about the record from error stack with the given index.


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AT_BOOL ACCUAPI IG_err_error_get(
   UINT nLevel,
   UINT nIndex,
   LPCHAR lpszFileName,
   UINT nFNameSize,
   LPINT lpnLineNumber,
   LPAT_ERRCODE lpnCode,
   LPAT_INT lplValue1,
   LPAT_INT lplValue2,
   LPCHAR lpExtraText,
   UINT nETextSize


nLevel Level of errors to index. 0 means critical errors (function failure); greater levels denote warnings.
nIndex Zero-based record index of the given level.
lpszFileName Pointer indicating where to return the source's file name where the error occurred.
nFNameSize Size of the memory buffer lpszFileName.
lpnLineNumber Pointer indicating where to return the line number where the error occurred.
lpnCode Pointer indicating where to return the error code.
lplValue1 Pointer indicating where to return the first associated long value.
lplValue2 Pointer indicating where to return the second associated long value.
lpExtraText Pointer indicating where to return the additional text description.
nETextSize Size of the memory buffer lpExtraText.

Return Value:

Returns TRUE if the error information has been successfully retrieved; returns FALSE otherwise. Errors that occurred during this function call are not appended onto the error stack.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

This function does not process image pixels.




  Copy Code
errCount = IG_err_count_get();


The difference between this function and IG_err_record_get is that this index exists for records with the specified level, nLevel; not for all records on the stack.

See Also


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