ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows Accusoft
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ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows > API Reference Guide > Core Component API Reference > Core Component Functions Reference > Display Functions > IG_dspl_orientation_get

Glossary Item Box

This function returns the current orientation mode.


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AT_ERRCOUNT  ACCUAPI  IG_dspl_orientation_get( 
        [IN] HIGEAR hIGear, 
        [IN] DWORD dwGrpID,
        [OUT] LPAT_MODE lpnOrientMode


hIGear ImageGear handle of image.
dwGrpID Identifier of group from which to retrieve the orientation mode.
lpnOrientMode Where to copy OrientMode value. If NULL then this parameter ignored.

Return Value:

Returns 0 if successful. Otherwise, returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

All pixel formats supported by ImageGear Professional.


Display, MFC, Vector


  Copy Code
HIGEAR            hIGear;       /* HIGEAR handle of image  */ 
DWORD           nGrpID;        /* display group identifier  */
AT_MODE          nOrientMode;      /* Orientation mode  */
IG_dspl_orientation_get( hIGear, nGrpID, &nOrientMode );


Possible values are listed in the IG_dspl_orientation_set() function.

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