ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows Accusoft
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ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows > API Reference Guide > Core Component API Reference > Core Component Functions Reference > DIB Functions > IG_DIB_column_set

Glossary Item Box

This function sets the pixel data you supply into the DIB image bitmap column specified by nX.


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        AT_PIXPOS nX, 
        AT_PIXPOS nY1, 
        AT_PIXPOS nY2, 
        const LPAT_PIXEL lpPixel, 
        AT_DIMENSION nNumPixels 


hIGear HIGEAR handle of image.
nX X offset (X coord) of the vertical pixel column to be set.
nY1 Raster line number at which the vertical column starts.
nY2 Raster line number at which the column ends.
lpPixel Far pointer to first byte of your pixel data.
nNumPixels Number of pixels (not bytes) to transfer.

Return Value:

Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call. If there are no errors, the return value is IGE_SUCCESS.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

All pixel formats supported by ImageGear Professional.


Pixel Access


  Copy Code
HIGEAR hIGear;  /* HIGEAR handle of image            */
AT_PIXEL cPixArray[400];  /* Receives the returned pixels      */
AT_PIXPOS nCol,  nYtop,  nYbot; /* Column and rows to get          */
AT_DIMENSION nFetched;  /* Holds the count of pixels retrieved*/
AT_ERRCOUNT nErrcount;  /* Receives the returned error counts */
/* Restore the pixels saved by the call in example IG_DIB_column_get:   */
nCol  = 0;   /* Restores to image's left boundary */
nYtop = 10;  nYbot = 59;   /* 50 pixels, from lines 10 thru 59*/
nFetched = nYbot - Top + 1;
nErrcount = IG_DIB_column_set ( hIGear, nCol, nYtop, nYbot, &cPixArray[0],nFetched );


The pixel at nX is set in pixel rows nY1 through nY2 inclusive. nNumPixels is the number of pixels to set, and should equal (nY2-nY1+1).

ImageGear's pixel access functions consider the coordinates (0,0) to refer to the upper left-hand corner of the bitmap data. They do not follow the DIB's orientation, which considers (0,0) to refer to the lower left-hand corner of the bitmap.

If the image is 1-bit or 4-bit, your pixels should be one to a byte and right justified, beginning at lpPixel. If the image is 24-bit, each pixel should occupy 3 bytes, in Blue-Green-Red order.

If the image you are modifying is 1-bit, you will probably need to convert the image from run-end encoded to a standard DIB before you can set pixel values. Please see the section Using Pixel Access Functions with ImageGearUsing ImageGear for details.
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