ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows Accusoft
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ImageGear Professional DLL v17.1 for Windows > API Reference Guide > ArtX Component API Reference > ArtX Component Structures Reference > AT_ARTX_HITTEST_PARAMS

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This structure contains members that specify hit test parameters.


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typedef struct tagAT_ARTX_HITTEST_PARAMS
        AT_POINT ptDevicePoint;
        AT_INT nClickPrecision;
        HIG_ARTX_MARK hMark;
        enumIGArtXHitTest nResult;
        AT_INT nResultData;


ptDevicePoint Point in device coordinates to test.
nClickPrecision Click precision in pixels.
hMark Handle to the result mark.
nResult Hit test result.

The value of nResult establishes the meaning of nResultData:

  • When nResult is IG_ARTX_HITTEST_ONBOUND, interpret nResultData as a member of enumIGArtXBounds.
  • When nResult is IG_ARTX_HITTEST_ONPOINT, interpret nResultData as the zero-based index of the mark point.
  • For all other values of nResult, the value of nResultData will equal 0.
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